Sallust, Bellum Catilinae 20

Z Bekemeyer /
Catilīna , ubi eōs quōs paulō ante memorāvī convēnisse videt , tametsī cum singulīs multa saepe ēgerat , tamen in rem fore crēdēns univorsōs appellāre et cohortārī , in abditam partem aedium sēcēdit atque ibi , omnibus arbitrīs procul āmōtīs , ōrātiōnem huiusce modī habuit :

2 " virtūs fidēsque vostra spectāta mihi forent , nēquīquam opportūna rēs cecidisset ; spēs magna , dominātiō in manibus frūstrā fuissent , neque ego per ignāviam aut vāna ingenia incerta prō certīs captārem . 3 sed quia multīs et magnīs tempestātibus vōs cognōvī fortīs fīdōsque mihi , animus ausus est maxumum atque pulcherrumum facinus incipere , simul quia vōbīs eadem quae mihi bona malaque esse intellēxī : 4 nam idem velle atque idem nōlle , ea dēmum firma amīcitia est .

5 " sed ego quae mente agitāvī omnēs iam anteā dīvorsī audīstis . 6 cēterum mihi in diēs magis animus accenditur , cum cōnsīderō quae condiciō vītae futūra sit , nisi nōsmet ipsī vindicāmus in lībertātem . 7 nam postquam rēs pūblica in paucōrum potentium iūs atque diciōnem concessit , semper illīs rēgēs , tetrarchae vectīgālēs esse , populī , nātiōnēs stīpendia pendēre ; cēterī omnēs , strēnuī , bonī , nōbilēs atque ignōbilēs , volgus fuimus sine grātiā , sine auctōritāte , iīs obnoxiī quibus , rēs pūblica valēret , formīdinī essēmus . 8 itaque omnis grātia , potentia , honōs , dīvitiae apud illōs sunt aut ubi illī volunt ; nōbīs relīquēre perīcula , repulsās , iūdicia , egestātem .

9 " quae quō ūsque tandem patiēminī , ō fortissumī virī ? nōnne ēmorī per virtūtem praestat quam vītam miseram atque inhonestam , ubi aliēnae superbiae lūdibriō fuerīs , per dēdecus āmittere ? 10 vērum enim vērō , prōh deum atque hominum fidem , victōria in manū nōbīs est . viget aetās , animus valet ; contrā illīs annīs atque dīvitiīs omnia cōnsenuērunt . tantummodo inceptō opus est ; cētera rēs expediet . 11 etenim quis mortālium cui virīle ingenium est tolerāre potest illīs dīvitiās superāre quās profundant in exstruendō marī et montibus coaequandīs , nōbīs rem familiārem etiam ad necessāria dēesse ? illōs bīnās aut amplius domōs continuāre , nōbīs larem familiārem nusquam ūllum esse ? 12 cum tabulās , signa , toreumata emunt , nova dīruunt , alia aedificant , postrēmō omnibus modīs pecūniam trahunt , vexant , tamen summā lubīdine dīvitiās suās vincere nequeunt . 13 at nōbīs est domī inopia , forīs aes aliēnum , mala rēs , spēs multō asperior ; dēnique , quid relicuī habēmus , praeter miseram animam ?

14 " quīn igitur expergīsciminī ? ēn illa , illa quam saepe optāstis lībertās , praetereā dīvitiae , decus , glōria in oculīs sita sunt ; fortūna omnia ea victōribus praemia posuit . 15 rēs , tempus , perīcula , egestās , bellī spolia magnifica magis quam ōrātiō mea vōs hortantur . 16 vel imperātōre vel mīlite ūtiminī ; neque animus neque corpus ā vōbīs aberit . 17 haec ipsa , ut spērō , vōbīscum ūnā cōnsul agam , nisi forte animus fallit et vōs servīre magis quam imperāre parātī estis . "
Catilina , when he sees to assemble those which were small before I remember , although he had often concerned himself with many individually , nevertheless trust was to be in all matter to call and to encourage , he withdraws in partial concealment of buildings and then , he had moved away to all judges at a distance , he held a speech of this manner : unless manliness , faith , and your observation was to me , the convenient matter had fallen in vain ; great hope , rule had been in vain in the hands of men , and not I through want of spirit or I having hunted for legacies with empty and uncertain abilities instead of certainties . But because I learned you brave and faithful and of many and great tempers to me , the mind , for that reason , was daring the greatest and most beautiful crime to begin , because which I understood at the same time , the same good and evils are to be to you and to me : for the same reasons and to be unwilling to wish the same , finally it is strong friendship . " But I threw into motion which of the mind all now you heard diversity before . The mind kindled in the days more , as for the rest , to me , when I consider which agreement is of life , unless we ourselves take vengeance in freedom . For after the republic withdrew in justice and dominion of a few that are powerful ; the kings races always tax to those esteemed , tetrarchs to be subject to tribute , the people ; all the others , are prompt , good , noble and not distinguished , I was the common person without gratitude , without authority , liability to those which , if the republic had been strong , I would be feared . Therefore every favor , power , honor , riches was near that or where that wishes ; to have left behind dangers to us , refusals , trials , and a poverty . I will finally be permitted continuously in order that which , o brave men ? He stands out not to die through manliness than a pitiable and dishonorable life , where you were prideful and mocking to a stranger , to lose through disgrace ? But indeed because truly , oh ! Faith of the gods and men , victory is in the hand to us . Age flourishes , the mind is strong ; on the contrary , all grew old together by years and riches to that . Work is the only beginning ; the matter will be procured with the rest . And indeed what manly disposition is able to endure to this which of mortals pours forth riches to overcome those in the built up sea and made equal mountains , also the intimate matter to us is to be lacking to connection . To connect that by twos or further homes , to be the household god nowhere intimate to any of us ? When they buy the planks , marks , relief , they overthrow the new , he builds others , finally they drag money by all measures , they harass , nevertheless they are unable to conquer their own riches of the highest pleasure . But poverty is in the home to us , stranger’s money is abroad , the evil thing , rough hope to many ; finally , I have which of the remaining , beyond wretched spirit ? Why therefore do you not awake yourself ? Look that , you chose freedom that which is often , besides riches , beauty , situated glory is in the eye , fortune is placed in all those rewards to the conquerors . The matter , time , danger , poverty , significantly plunders my oration which urges you more than of the war . you use me or the commander or military ; and not the mind nor the body will be absent from you . This itself , so that I hope , I will act together as consul with you , unless the mind deceives me by chance , and you , prepared , are to serve more than to command .

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