Sophie BC Chapter 20

Sophie Pike /
[ 20 ] Catilīna , ubi eōs quōs paulō ante memorāvī convēnisse videt , tametsī cum singulīs multa saepe ēgerat , tamen in rem fore crēdēns univorsōs appellāre et cohortārī , in abditam partem aedium sēcēdit atque ibi , omnibus arbitrīs procul āmōtīs , ōrātiōnem huiusce modī habuit :

2 " virtūs fidēsque vostra spectāta mihi forent , nēquīquam opportūna rēs cecidisset ; spēs magna , dominātiō in manibus frūstrā fuissent , neque ego per ignāviam aut vāna ingenia incerta prō certīs captārem . 3 sed quia multīs et magnīs tempestātibus vōs cognōvī fortīs fīdōsque mihi , animus ausus est maxumum atque pulcherrumum facinus incipere , simul quia vōbīs eadem quae mihi bona malaque esse intellēxī : 4 nam idem velle atque idem nōlle , ea dēmum firma amīcitia est .

5 " sed ego quae mente agitāvī omnēs iam anteā dīvorsī audīstis . 6 cēterum mihi in diēs magis animus accenditur , cum cōnsīderō quae condiciō vītae futūra sit , nisi nōsmet ipsī vindicāmus in lībertātem . 7 nam postquam rēs pūblica in paucōrum potentium iūs atque diciōnem concessit , semper illīs rēgēs , tetrarchae vectīgālēs esse , populī , nātiōnēs stīpendia pendēre ; cēterī omnēs , strēnuī , bonī , nōbilēs atque ignōbilēs , volgus fuimus sine grātiā , sine auctōritāte , iīs obnoxiī quibus , rēs pūblica valēret , formīdinī essēmus . 8 itaque omnis grātia , potentia , honōs , dīvitiae apud illōs sunt aut ubi illī volunt ; nōbīs relīquēre perīcula , repulsās , iūdicia , egestātem .

When he saw that those whom I recalled a little before had assembled , Catiline , despite the frequent and detailed discussions which he had had with individuals , nevertheless believed it would be pertinent to call upon them collectively and encourage them , so he withdrew to a secluded part of the house and there , with all witnesses moved well away , he made a speech of this type :

‘If your prowess and loyalty had not been demonstrated to my satisfaction , this favourable circumstance would have fallen to us in vain , and the high hopes and dominion in our grasp would have been to no purpose and I am not a man who would clutch at uncertainties instead of certainties , aided by cowards of unreliable disposition . But , because I have come to know , through many great turmoils , that you are courageous and loyal to me , that is the reason why my spirit has dared to embark on the greatest and finest of deeds , and also because I have come to understand that your perception of goodness and wickedness is the same as mine : wanting and not wanting the same things that , ultimately , is firm friendship .

‘You have already heard before , separately , what I have pondered in my mind . Yet my spirit is kindled more and more each day when I reflect what the conditions of life will be if we do not assert our freedom ourselves . For , ever since the commonwealth passed to the jurisdiction of a powerful few , it has always been to them that the dues of kings and tetrarchs go , that the taxes of peoples and nations are paid ; the rest of us all the committed and good , noble and ignoble have been simply " the masses " , denied favour , denied influence , beholden to those to whom , if the commonwealth thrived , we would be a source of fear . Hence all favour , power , honour and riches rest with them or are where they want them ; to us they have left the dangers , rejections , lawsuits and destitution .

( 66 ) 26% LAT
( 190 ) 74% LAT - ENG

( 297 ) 78% LAT - ENG
( 82 ) 22% ENG