Naram-Suen 02

Alex Forbes / Akkadian Royal Inscriptions / Old Akkadian Royal Inscriptions
  • Created on 2022-07-13 23:56:59
  • Modified on 2023-06-28 21:06:35
  • Translated by Daniel A. Foxvog
  • Aligned by Alex Forbes
A royal inscription from Nippur, celebrating Naram-Sin's victory over a rebellion. It was first published by Douglas R. Frayne (Frayne, D. R. (n.d.). RIME ms. ) and translated by Daniel A. Foxvog (Foxvog, D. A. (n.d.). 20131227 cdliadmin. ms. ).
a-na _en en_ a-li2-a-tim u3 _ensi2 ensi2_ szubur { ki } is-tap-pa2-ar-ma u-s , e-li-ma x-x-me [ x x ] -UD-me [ x x ] -tum _en en_ a-li2-a-tim u3 _ensi2 ensi2_ szubur { ki } ki-ma il3-a-ba4 la i-pa2-la-hu [ . . . ] x-ma [ . . . ] -mu [ . . . ] x it-ma2-u3-ni-su4-ma { asz } amar-giri16 _lugal_ unu ! { ki } e3-ru-ur-ma lu-li-ik-ma-mi3 x-x-ma [ x-x ] -x-ni u3-lu li-mu-ut u3-lu u-na-as2 isz-tum a-si-ma-num2 { ki } a-na si-si-il3 { ki } in si-si-il3 { ki } _idigna { i7 } _ i-bi-ir-ma isz-tum si-si-il3 { ki } a-na pu-ti _buranun { i7 } _ _buranun { i7 } _-tam2 i-bi-ir-ma a-na ba-sa-ar _sa-tu_-i3 mar-tu { ki } e3-il-li2-a-am na-ra-am- { d } suen da-num2 isz-ma2-su4-ma _1 ( u ) la2 1 ( asz ) nu-banda3_-e a-ka3-de3 { ki } _szu-du8-a_-ma a-na pa2-ni-su4 ib-tu i-gu-us2-ma ha-ab-sza-at { ki } na-ra-am- { d } suen da-num2 burunun { i7 } -tam2 a-na ba-sa-ar _sa-tu_-i3 mar-tu { ki } ik-su4-ud-su4-ma _REC169_ is- [ ku8 ] -ni-a-ma is-ku8-na-ma i-ta-ah-za-ma in _di-ku5_ an-nu-ni-tum u3 { d } en-lil2 na-ra-am- { d } suen da-num2 in _REC169_ in ba-sa-ar _sa-tu_-i3 mar-tu { ki } _unu { ki } _ isz11-ar u3 inim { d } utu-zi _dub-sar erin2_ _ { asz } tab_-su { asz } DU-x _ensi2_ { asz } a-ba-x-x ? -x-x _ensi2_ . . . _ensi2_ . . . _ensi2_ . . . _ensi2_ . . . nu-banda3 [ x x x ] { ki } ur- { d } { ansze } szagan ( AMA ) { sza-gan } -DU _nu-banda3_ umma { ki } { asz } a-ba- { d } en-lil2 _nu-banda3_ adab { ki } _szu-nigin2_ 1 ( u ) la2 ( asz ) _gurusz_ ra-bi2-a-ni u3 7 ( gesz ' u ) ? 8 ( asz ) ? _gurusz gurusz_ in _kaskal_ u-sa-am-qi2-it na-ra-am- { d } suen da-num2 { asz } amar-giri16# _lugal_ unu { ki } in _kaskal_ i-ik-mi { disz } e2-ku3 _szagina_ { disz } en-lil2-gal-zu _abba2 iri { ki } _ unu { ki } { disz } lugal-sa6 _gal-sukkal_ { disz } { d } utu-mu-gi4 _szabra-e2_ { disz } ur- [ x x ] { disz } ur- { d } en#- [ x ] { disz } nig2-DAGAL _nibru { ki } -u3 { disz } a2 ? -kal ? -le { disz } nimgir-si { disz } szesz-lu2-x-x { disz } x-ad { disz } sipa-de3 { disz } ur- { d } idigna { disz } |IRIxX| { ki } { disz } DU ? { ki } { disz } ur-gidri _unu { ki } _-u3 { disz } i-sar-ru-um uri5 { ki } { disz } ba-lu5 lagasz { ki } { disz } ad-da-tur { disz } tir ? -ku3 ? { disz } lugal-du11-ga-ni-zi { disz } e2-zi _umma { ki } _-u3 { disz } da-da iri-sag-rig7 { ki } _ensi2 ensi2_ { disz } szu- { d } [ . . . ] _nu-banda3_ kar ? - [ . . . ] x-x- [ . . . ] _nu-banda3_ unu { ki } { disz } ur- [ . . . ] -x- [ . . . ] _nu-banda3_ lagasz { ki } [ . . . ] _nu-banda3_ adab { ki } { disz } lugal-sza3-iri _nu-banda3_ nibru { ki } _nu-banda3_-u3 { disz } be-li2-li2 u3 { disz } kin-gi4 ! ? -a ugula _mar-tu mar-tu_ szunigin 3 ( u ) 1 ( asz ) _gurusz_ ra-bi2-a-ni u3 _8 ( gesz ' u ) 3 ( asz ) szaga_ in _kaskal_ i-ik-mi _szunigin2 6 ( asz ) szagina szagina_ _szunigin 2 ( u ) la2 3 ( asz ) ensi2 ensi2_ _szunigin 1 ( gesz ' u ) 3 ( u ) la2 2 ( asz ) _ ra-bi2-a-ni _szunigin 1 ( szar2 ) [ n ] +3 ( gesz ' u ) 5 ( asz ) ? gurusz gurusz_ _szunigin szunigin n_ n _gurusz gurusz_ in _kaskal_ i-ik-mi [ szunigin szunigin 2 ( asz ) _ ] _lugal_ _szunigin szunigin 1 ( u ) 3 ( asz ) szagina szagina_ _szunigin szunigin 3 ( u ) 3 ( asz ) ensi2 ensi2_ _szunigin szunigin_ 2 ( gesz ' u ) 1 ( u ) ra-bi2-a-ni _szunigin szunigin 1 ( u ) ? 3 ( szar ' u ) ? 7 ( gesz ' u ) ? la2 1 ( gesz2 ) gurusz gurusz_ { d } en-lil2 u-kal2-lim na-ra-am- { d } suen da-num2 in _kaskal_ ma-la2-su4-nu u-sa-am-qi2-it u3 i-ik-mi u3 _szu-nir_-ni-su-nu na-ra-am- { d } suen da-num2 in _ka2-ka2_ i3-li-su u-sa-bi-ir { d } inanna ? [ an-nu-ni-tam ] [ u3 { d } en-lil2 ] u2-ma2 la su-ra-tum lu ki2-ni-isz-ma ma-la2-su-nu szar-ri2 { d } inanna an-nu-ni-tim u3 { d } en-lil2 na-ra-am- { d } suen da-num2 in _szita2_ il3-a-ba4 be-li3-su lu i-ik-mi-su-nu-ma lu u-sa2-ri2-bu-su-nu in ki2-nim
To all the lords of the Upper ( Lands ) and all the governors of Subartum he ( the king of Uruk ) kept on sending ( insults ) , and . . . , and . . . All the lords of the Upper ( Lands ) and all the governors of Subartum , since the god Ilaba they did not revere , . . . ( by that god ) they swore this . But Amar-girid , the king of Uruk , ( said ) I did curse , and so let me go . . . either he ( Naram-Sin ? ) shall die or I shall dislodge ( him ) . From Ašimanum to Šišil ( he went ) . At Šišil the Tigris River he crossed , and from Šišil ( he went ) to beside the Euphrates River . The Euphrates River he crossed , and to Bašar , the mountain of Amurru , he ascended . Naram-Sin the mighty learned of him , and 9 lieutenants of Agade did capture , and to meet him he set out . He marched to Habšat . Naram-Sin the mighty the Euphrates River at Bašar the mountin of Amurru , met him , and in battle he engaged and engaged , and they grappled with each other , and by the verdict of Annunitum and Enlil , Naram-Sin the mighty , in battle at Bašar the mountain of Amurru over Uruk was victorious . Further , Inim-Utuzi the troop scribe , his companions , DU-x the governor , Aba- . . . the governor , PN the governor , PN the governor , PN the governor , PN captain of GN , Ur- { d } szagan-DU the captain of Umma , Aba-Enlil , the captain of Adab , a total of 9 men , chiefs , and 4208 men ( unclear ) in the campaign he struck down . Naram-Sin the mighty , Amar-girid the king of Uruk in the campaign he captured . Ekug the general , Enlil-galzu the city elder of Uruk , Lugal-sag the chief minister , Utu-mugi the estate administrator , Ur- . . . , Ur-En-x Nig2-DAGAL ( all ) Nippurians , Akale , Nimgirsi , Šešlu- . . . . . . -ad , Sipade , Ur-Idigna , IRIxX , DU ? Ur-gidri ( all ) Urukeans , Išarum of Ur , Balul of Lagaš , Addatur , Tirkug , Lugal-duganizi , and Ezi . Ummaites , Dada , of Irisagrig , the governors , Šu- . . . the captain of Kar- . . . . . . the captain of Uruk , Ur- . . . the captain of Lagaš , . . . the captain of Adab , Lugal-šagiri the captain of Nippur , ( were ) the captains . Belili and a messenger ( ? ) , a foreman of the Amorites . Total : 31 men , chiefs , also 4803 ( ? ) prisoners in the campaign he captured . Grand Total : 6 generals . « Grand » Total : 17 governors . « Grand » Total : 628 chiefs . « Grand » Total : 5405+ men . A total of n and n men in the campaign he captured . A total of 2 kings , a grand total of 13 generals , a grand total of 33 governors , a grand total of 1210 chiefs , a grand total of 118 , 140 men . The god Enlil showed ( him the way ) , ( and ) Naram-Sin the mighty in the campaign as many as there were he struck down , and captured . Further , their standards Naram-Sin the mighty , at the gates of his gods he handed in ( ? ) . By Inanna , Annunitim and Enlil I swear : ( these ) are not falsehoods , ( but ) are indeed true ! All of them , the kings of Inanna , Annunitim , and Enlil , Naram-Sin the mighty , by the mace of Ilaba his lord , did indeed capture them , and did indeed bring them in , in truth .

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