Aristophanes Frogs ll.1046-1073

Cook, Jeanna / Aristophanes Frogs
  • Created on 2017-05-07 16:14:04
  • Modified on 2017-05-07 16:51:21
  • Translated by Jeffrey Henderson
  • Aligned by Cook, Jeanna
Ἑλληνική Transliterate
νὴ τὸν Δία τοῦτό γέ τοι δή .
γὰρ εἰς τὰς ἀλλοτρίας ἐποίεις , αὐτὸς τούτοισιν ἐπλήγης .

καὶ τί βλάπτουσ᾿ , σχέτλι᾿ ἀνδρῶν , τὴν πόλιν ἁμαὶ Σθενέβοιαι ;

1050 ὅτι γενναίας καὶ γενναίων ἀνδρῶν ἀλόχους ἀνέπεισας
κώνεια πίνειν αἰσχυνθείσας διὰ τοὺς σοὺς Βελλεροφόντας .

πότερον δ᾿ οὐκ ὄντα λόγον τοῦτον περὶ τῆς Φαίδρας ξυνέθηκα ;

μὰ Δί᾿ , ἀλλ᾿ ὄντ᾿ · ἀλλ᾿ ἀποκρύπτειν χρὴ τὸ πονηρὸντόν γε ποιητήν ,
καὶ μὴ παράγειν μηδὲ διδάσκειν . τοῖς μὲν γὰρ παιδαρίοισιν
1055 ἐστὶ διδάσκαλος ὅστις φράζει , τοῖσιν δ᾿ ἡβῶσι ποιηταί .
πάνυ δὴ δεῖ χρηστὰ λέγειν ἡμᾶς .

ἢν οὖν σὺ λέγῃς Λυκαβηττοὺς καὶ Παρνασσῶν ἡμῖν μεγέθη , τοῦτ᾿ ἐστὶ τὸ χρηστὰ διδάσκειν ,
ὃν χρῆν φράζειν ἀνθρωπείως ;

ἀλλ᾿ , κακόδαιμον , ἀνάγκη μεγάλων γνωμῶν καὶ διανοιῶν ἴσα καὶ τὰ ῥήματα τίκτειν .
1060 κἄλλως εἰκὸς τοὺς ἡμιθέους τοῖς ῥήμασι μείζοσι χρῆσθαι ·
καὶ γὰρ τοῖς ἱματίοις ἡμῶν χρῶνται πολὺ σεμνοτέροισιν ·
ἁμοῦ χρηστῶς καταδείξαντος διελυμήνω σύ .

τί δράσας ;

πρῶτον μὲν τοὺς βασιλεύοντας ῥάκι᾿ ἀμπισχών , ἵν᾿ ἐλεινοὶ τοῖς ἀνθρώποις φαίνοιντ᾿ εἶναι .

τοῦτ᾿ οὖν ἔβλαψα τί δράσας ;

1065 οὔκουν ἐθέλει γε τριηραρχεῖν πλουτῶν οὐδεὶς διὰ ταῦτα ,
ἀλλὰ ῥακίοις περιιλάμενος κλάει καὶ φησὶ πένεσθαι .

νὴ τὴν Δήμητρα χιτῶνά γ᾿ ἔχων οὔλων ἐρίων ὑπένερθεν .
κἂν ταῦτα λέγων ἐξαπατήσῃ , περὶ τοὺς ἰχθῦς ἀνέκυψεν .

εἶτ᾿ αὖ λαλιὰν ἐπιτηδεῦσαι καὶ στωμυλίαν ἐδίδαξας ,
1070 ᾿ξεκένωσεν τάς τε παλαίστρας καὶ τὰς πυγὰς ἐνέτριψεν
τῶν μειρακίων στωμυλλομένων , καὶ τοὺς Παράλους ἀνέπεισεν
ἀνταγορεύειν τοῖς ἄρχουσιν . καίτοι τότε γ᾿ , ἡνίκ᾿ ἐγὼ ᾿ζων ,
οὐκ ἠπίσταντ᾿ ἀλλ᾿ μᾶζαν καλέσαι καὶ " ῥυππαπαῖ " εἰπεῖν .
That’s the truth , all right ! You yourself got hit by the same stuff you wrote about other people’s wives .

And what harm did my Stheneboeas do to the community , you bastard ?

You motivated respectable women , the spouses of respectable men , to take hemlock in their shame over your Bellerophons .

But the story I told about Phaedra was already established , wasn’t it ?

Of course it was . But the poet has a special duty to conceal what’s wicked , not stage it or teach it . For children the teacher is the one who instructs , but grownups have the poet . It’s very important that we tell them things that are good .

So if you give us stuff like Lycabettus and massyParnassus , that’s supposed to teach what’s good ? You should have done your instructing in plain human language .

Look , you wretch , great thoughts and ideas force us to produce expressions that are equal to them . And anyway , it suits the demigods to use exalted expressions , just as they wear much more impressive clothing than we do ; that’s where I set a good example that you completely corrupted .

How so ?

First , you made your royals wear rags , so that they’d strike people as being piteous .

So what harm did I do there ?

Well , for one thing , that’s why no rich man is willing to command a warship , but instead wraps himself in rags and whines , claiming to be poor .

When he’s actually wearing a soft woollen shirt underneath , by Demeter ! And if he pulls that lie off , he pops up in the fish market !

Then you taught people to cultivate chitchat and gab , which has emptied the wrestling schools and worn down the butts of the young men as they gab away , and prompted the crew of the Paralus to talk back to their officers . Yet in the old days , when I was alive , all they knew how to do was shout for their rations and cry " heave ho ! "

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