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Maryam Foradi / Diwan Hafez / Divan Hafez (English Translation)
فارسی Transliterate
If that Bold One the true Beloved of Shiraz gain our heart ,
For His dark mole , I will give Samarkand and Bukhara both worlds *** Saki give the wine of divine love remaining from the people of religion for , in Paradise , thou wilt not have
The bank of the water of the Ruknabad the lover's weeping eye nor the rose of the garden of Musalla the lover's heart *** Alas These saucy dainty ones lovely women sweet of work , the torment of the city ,
Take patience from the heart even as the men of Turkistan take the tray of plunder . *** The beauty of the Beloved God is in no need of our imperfect love
Of lustre , and colour , and mole and tricked line of eyebrow what need hath the lovely face *** By reason of that beauty , daily increasing that Yusuf the absolute Existence , the real Beloved , God had , I the first day knew that Love for Him would bring
Zulaikha us , things possible forth from the screen of chastity the pure existence of God *** The tale of minstrel and of wine of Love utter little seek the mystery of time
For this mystery , none solved by skill thought and knowledge and shall not solve . *** O Soul Hear the counsel of the Murshid
For , dearer than the soul , hold happy youths the counsel of the wise old man . *** O murshid thou to amend my work spakest ill of me and I am happy . God Most High forgive thee thou spakest well
The bitter reply suiteth the ruddy lip , sugar - eating . *** Thou utteredest a ghazal ; and threadedest pearls of verse Hafiz come and sweetly sing
That , on thy verse , the sky may scatter in thanks the cluster of the Pleiades . ***

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