Anacreon 101 translated by Zuoren Zhou(5 character Chinese poetry)

Jinchen Hu / Greek poem-Chinese translation alignment
  • Created on 2021-12-30 16:27:37
  • Modified on 2022-01-03 01:24:36
  • Aligned by Jinchen Hu
κάρτερος ἐν πολέμοις Τιμόκριτος , οὗ τόδε σᾶμα · Ἄρης δ᾿ οὐκ ἀγαθῶν φείδεται ἀλλὰ κακῶν .
Timocritus , whose tomb this is , was strong in the wars : Ares spares not the brave but the cowards .

( 4 ) 24% GRC
( 13 ) 76% GRC - ENG

( 16 ) 73% GRC - ENG
( 6 ) 27% ENG

( 16 ) 73% GRC - ENG
( 6 ) 27% ENG