Apuleius, Metamorphoses 10.18.01

Chiara Palladino /
  • Created on 2021-11-03 14:54:02
  • Translated by A.S. Kline (left) vs. R. Graves (right)
  • Aligned by Chiara Palladino
Now , before I go further , I must tell you at least as I should have done at the start who my owner was , and where it was he hailed from .
Sed prius est ut vobis , quod initio facere debueram , vel nunc saltem referam , quis iste vel unde fuerit .
But first I will tell you ( which I should have done before ) who my master was , and of what country .

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( 7 ) 21% ENG - LAT

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( 16 ) 73% LAT

( 6 ) 27% ENG - LAT
( 16 ) 73% LAT