Synopsis HDG 47

Digital Rosetta Stone / The Rosetta Stone (synoptic version II)
  • Created on 2018-07-24 11:34:25
  • Modified on 2024-07-24 09:19:26
  • Translated by Quirke/Andrews 1988: 16-22
  • Aligned by Digital Rosetta Stone
Hieroglyphic Egyptian
Demotic Egyptian
|x+14 [ ḫt . tw ] sḫˀ . w pn ḥr ˁḥˁ . w n ˁˀ . t rwḏ . t m sh̠ n mdw . w-nṯr ( m ) sh̠ šˁy ( m ) sḫˀ . y n Ḥˀ . w-nb . w ( t ) rdi . t ˁḥˁ=f m gs . w-pr . w m . w-pr . w nb ( . w ) ḥr rn=f m mḥ-1 mḥ-2 mḥ-3 r-gs h̠nty n nsw-bjtj ( Ptlwmys ˁnḫ ( . w ) . t mr . y Ptḥ ) | nṯr pri ( . w ) nb nfr . w

|x+14 [ ] this decree on a stela of hard stone in the script of the words of god , the script of documents and the letters of the Aegeans and set it up in all the temples of first , second and third rank , beside the statue of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt Ptolemy living forever , beloved of Ptah , the God who appears , possessor of goodness .
mtw=w sh̠ wt n wyṱ ( n ) iny ḏry n sh̠ md-nṯr ( n ) sh̠ šˁ . t ( n ) sh̠ Wynn mtw=w di . t e-ˁḥˁ=f n irpy . w mḥ-1 irpy . w mḥ-2 irpy . w mḥ-3 i . ir-ḏr . t twtw n nṯr n Pr-ˁˀ ˁnḫ . t

They shall write the decree on a stela of hard stone in the script of the words of god , the script of documents and the script of the Ionians and set it up in the first-rank temples , the second-rank temples and the third-rank temples , in the vicinity of the divine image of Pharaoh living forever .
[ τὸ δὲ ψήφισμα τοῦτο ἀναγράψαι εἰς στή ] - |54 [ λας σ ] τερεοῦ λίθου τοῖς τε ἱεροῖς καὶ ἐγχωρίοις καὶ Ἑλληνικοῖς γράμμασιν , καὶ στῆσαι ἐν ἑκάστωι τῶν τε πρώτων καὶ δευτέρων [ καὶ τρίτων ἱερῶν πρὸς τῆι τοῦ αἰωνοβίου βασιλέως εἰκόνι ] .

[ ( It has been decided ) to inscribe this decree on a stela ] |54 of hard stone , in sacred and native and Greek characters and to set it up in each of the first and second [ and third rank temples next to the image of the everliving king . ]

( 66 ) 37% EGYP
( 113 ) 63% EGYP - EGYD

( 92 ) 75% EGYP - EGYD
( 30 ) 25% EGYD

( 92 ) 75% EGYP - EGYD
( 30 ) 25% EGYD