Synopsis HDG 36

Digital Rosetta Stone / The Rosetta Stone (synoptic version II)
  • Created on 2018-07-24 11:08:55
  • Modified on 2024-07-24 09:14:26
  • Translated by Quirke/Andrews 1988: 16-22
  • Aligned by Digital Rosetta Stone
Hieroglyphic Egyptian
Demotic Egyptian
mtw=tw s : ˁḥˁ h̠nty n nsw-bjtj ( Ptwlmys ˁnḫ ( . w ) . t mr . y Ptḥ ) | nṯr pri nb nfr . w . tw rn=f ( Ptwlmys ) | nḏ ( . w ) -Bˀq . t wḥˁ=f pw ( Ptlwmys ) | n [ ḫt ( . w ) ] [ Km . t ] [ ]

and to set up a statue of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt Ptolemy living forever , beloved of Ptah , the God who appears , possessor of goodness , whose name shall be Ptolemy protector of Egypt , meaning Ptolemy who def [ ends Egypt [ ]
mtw=w di . t ˁḥˁ twtw ( n ) Pr-ˁˀ ( Ptlwmyˀs ) | ˁnḫ . t nṯr pri nti nˀ-ˁn tˀi=f md . t-nfr . t |23 mtw=w ḏd n=f ( Ptlwmyˀs ) | nḏ Bqy nti iw pˀi=f wḥm ( Ptlwmyˀs ) | i . ir nḫt . Kmy irm twtw ( n ) nṯr ( n ) nw . t iw=f di . t n=f ḫpš ( n ) qny n irpy irpy sp-2 ( n ) mˀˁ nti wnḥ n irpy iw=w ir r-h̠ . t wp ( . t ) ( n ) rmṯ-Kmy

and to set up a statue of Pharaoh Ptolemy living forever , the God who appears , whose goodness is perfect , |23 which is to be called Ptolemy protector of Egypt , meaning Ptolemy who defends Egypt , with a statue of the city god giving him a sword of victory , in the temple , in each and every temple , in the ( most ) conspicuous place in the temple , made in the style of the Egyptian’s work .
στῆσαι δὲ τοῦ αἰωνοβίου βασιλέως Πτολεμαίου θεοῦ Ἐπιφανοῦς Εὐχαρίστου εἰκόνα ἐν ἑκάστωι ἱερῶι ἐν τῶι ἐπιφα [ νεστάτωι τόπωι ] , |39 προσονομασθήσεται Πτολεμαίου τοῦ ἐπαμύναντος τῆι Αἰγύπτωι , ἧι παρεστήξεται κυριώτατος θεὸς τοῦ ἱεροῦ , διδοὺς αὐτῶι ὅπλον νικητικόν , ἔσται κατεσκευασμέν [ α τὸν τῶν Αἰγυπτίων ] |40 τρόπον ,

and to set up an image of the everliving king Ptolemy , the god Epiphanes Eucharistos in each temple in the most conspic [ uous place ] |39 which is to be called Ptolemy defender of Egypt , next to which shall be set the principal god of the temple giving him a weapon conducive to victory , which are to be sculpted [ after the Egyptian ] |40 fashion ;

( 38 ) 32% EGYP
( 79 ) 68% EGYP - EGYD

( 141 ) 73% EGYP - EGYD
( 51 ) 27% EGYD

( 141 ) 73% EGYP - EGYD
( 51 ) 27% EGYD