Synopsis HDG 8
Digital Rosetta Stone / The Rosetta Stone (synoptic version II)
- Created on 2018-07-24 10:15:18
- Modified on 2024-07-24 08:58:40
- Translated by Quirke/Andrews 1988: 16-22
- Aligned by Digital Rosetta Stone
Hieroglyphic Egyptian
Demotic Egyptian
[ . . . ]
wꜥb ( n ) ( ꜣlgsꜣntrs ) | irm nꜣ nṯr . w nti nḥm irm |3 [ nꜣ nṯr . w mr-sn . w irm nꜣ nṯr . w ] mnḫ . w irm nꜣ nṯr . w mr-it=w irm Pr-ꜥꜣ ( Ptlwmyꜣs ) | pꜣ nṯr pri nti nꜣ-ꜥn tꜣi=f md . t-nfr . t ꜣyꜣtws ( sꜣ ) ꜣyꜣtws
( while ) the priest of Alexander and the Gods who save and |3 [ the fraternal Gods and the ] beneficent [ god ] s and the Gods who love their father and Pharaoh Ptolemy , the God who appears , whose goodness is perfect ( is ) Aitos ( son of ) Aitos ;
( while ) the priest of Alexander and the Gods who save and |3 [ the fraternal Gods and the ] beneficent [ god ] s and the Gods who love their father and Pharaoh Ptolemy , the God who appears , whose goodness is perfect ( is ) Aitos ( son of ) Aitos ;
ἐφ’ ἱερέως Ἀέτου τοῦ Ἀέτου Ἀλεξάνδρου καὶ θεῶν Σωτήρων καὶ θεῶν Ἀδελφῶν καὶ θεῶν Εὐεργετῶν καὶ θεῶν Φιλοπατόρων καὶ |5 θεοῦ Ἐπιφανοῦς Εὐχαρίστου ,
in the priesthood of Aitos son of Aitos ( serving ) Alexander and the gods Soteres and the gods Adelphoi and the gods Euergetai and the gods Philopatores and |5 the god Epiphanes Eucharistos ,
in the priesthood of Aitos son of Aitos ( serving ) Alexander and the gods Soteres and the gods Adelphoi and the gods Euergetai and the gods Philopatores and |5 the god Epiphanes Eucharistos ,