Georgia Sutton

Furman University Student

Apelius, Metamorphoses 5.12.1

Georgia Sutton /
  • Created on 2021-11-08 21:12:19
  • Modified on 2021-11-16 23:28:33
  • Aligned by Georgia Sutton
Whibley, Charles (1904)
A.S. Kline (2013)
Psyche blossomed with joy at the news , hailing the solace of a divine
child , exulting in the glory of the one to be born , and rejoicing in the name
of mother . She counted the swelling days , and the vanishing months , and as
a beginner knowing nothing of the burden she bore was amazed at the
growth of her seething womb from a tiny pinprick .
Nuntio Psyche laeta florebat et divinae subolis solacio plaudebat et futuri pignoris gloria gestiebat et materni nominis dignitate gaudebat : crescentes dies et menses exeuntes anxia numerat , et sarcinae nesciae rudimento miratur de brevi punctulo tantum incrementulum locupletis uteri .
Psyche bloomed forth in joy at the announce- ment , and clapped her hands with delight at the thought of divine offspring : she exulted with pride at the coming pledge of their union , and rejoiced at the dignity of the name of mother . She anxiously counted the days as they came on and the months as they went bv ; her admiration rose for the unconscious beginnings of her burden , and the way in which the dear little thing grew from a tiny point to form the great treasure of her womb .

( 38 ) 54% ENG
( 33 ) 46% ENG - LAT

( 32 ) 78% ENG - LAT
( 9 ) 22% LAT

( 32 ) 78% ENG - LAT
( 9 ) 22% LAT