Avery O'Bar

Apuleius, Metamorphoses 5.1.1

Avery O'Bar /
  • Created on 2020-11-04 02:50:49
  • Translated by H.E. Butler -1910 (left) vs. A. S. Kline-2013 (right)
  • Aligned by Avery O'Bar
Psyche lay sweetly reclined in that soft grassy place on a couch of herbage fresh with dew . Her wild anguish of spirit was assuaged and she fell softly asleep .
Psyche teneris et herbosis locis in ipso toro roscidi graminis suave recubans , tanta mentis perturbatione sedata , dulce conquievit .
Psyche , pleasantly reclining in that grassy place on a bed of dew-wet grass , free of her mental perturbation , fell peacefully asleep

( 16 ) 52% ENG
( 15 ) 48% ENG - LAT

( 14 ) 67% ENG - LAT
( 7 ) 33% LAT

( 14 ) 67% ENG - LAT
( 7 ) 33% LAT