Apuleius, Metamorphoses 6.1.1

Corey Hall /
  • Created on 2020-10-23 01:50:10
  • Modified on 2020-10-25 17:50:39
  • Translated by Left: AS Kline 2013 Right: EJ Kenny 1998
  • Aligned by Corey Hall
Spying a temple on the summit of a high mountain , she thought : " How do I know he might not live there ? " Swiftly she moved towards it . Though she was wearied from her efforts , hope and desire quickened her step .
Ei prospecto templo quodam in ardui montis vertice , " Unde autem " inquit " Scio an istic meus degat dominus ? " et illico dirigit citatum gradum , quem defectum prorsus assiduis laboribus spes incitabat et votum .
Seeing a temple on the top of a steep hill , " Perhaps , " said she , " my lord lives there " ; at once she made for it , her pace , which had flagged in her unbroken fatigues , now quickened by hope and desire .

( 3 ) 6% ENG
( 44 ) 94% ENG - LAT

( 35 ) 90% ENG - LAT
( 4 ) 10% LAT

( 35 ) 90% ENG - LAT
( 4 ) 10% LAT