line 26-27

Digital Rosetta Stone / The Rosetta Stone / Demotic Part
  • Created on 2018-07-05 09:40:57
  • Modified on 2018-07-12 10:18:06
  • Translated by Quirke/Andrews 1988: 16-22
  • Aligned by Digital Rosetta Stone
Comment - line 26: (n) tA ri.t Hri.t n "above" - lit.: "on the upper side of" - line 26 read: {itf} - line 26-27: (n) pA mtre (n) is translated with "before", but lit. means "in the middle of; opposite of" - line 27 read: {nˀ} {ˁrˁy.w} - line 27: for the translation of the Demotic construction nti-iw pAi=f wHm "signifying", see the comment on line 22-23