Odyssey 1.33-43 Fagles, Lattimore

  • Created on 2018-12-05 03:12:45
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ἐξ ἡμέων γάρ φασι κάκ᾽ ἔμμεναι , οἱ δὲ καὶ αὐτοὶ
σφῇσιν ἀτασθαλίῃσιν ὑπὲρ μόρον ἄλγε᾽ ἔχουσιν ,
35ὡς καὶ νῦν Αἴγισθος ὑπὲρ μόρον Ἀτρεΐδαο
γῆμ᾽ ἄλοχον μνηστήν , τὸν δ᾽ ἔκτανε νοστήσαντα ,
εἰδὼς αἰπὺν ὄλεθρον , ἐπεὶ πρό οἱ εἴπομεν ἡμεῖς ,
Ἑρμείαν πέμψαντες , ἐύσκοπον ἀργεϊφόντην ,
μήτ᾽ αὐτὸν κτείνειν μήτε μνάασθαι ἄκοιτιν :
40ἐκ γὰρ Ὀρέσταο τίσις ἔσσεται Ἀτρεΐδαο ,
ὁππότ᾽ ἂν ἡβήσῃ τε καὶ ἧς ἱμείρεται αἴης .
ὣς ἔφαθ᾽ Ἑρμείας , ἀλλ᾽ οὐ φρένας Αἰγίσθοιο
πεῖθ᾽ ἀγαθὰ φρονέων : νῦν δ᾽ ἁθρόα πάντ᾽ ἀπέτισεν .
From us alone , they say , come all their miseries , yes ,
but they themselves , with their own reckless ways ,
compound their pains beyond their proper share .
Look at Aegisthus now . . .
above and beyond his share he stole Arides ' wife ,
he murdered the warlord coming home from Troy
though he knew it meant his own total ruin .
Far in advance we told him so ourselves ,
dispatching the guide , the giant-killer Hermes .
' Don ' t murder the man , ' he said , don ' t court his wife .
Beware , revenge will come from Orestes , Agamemnon ' s son ,
that day he comes of age and longs for his native land . '
So Hermes warned , with all the good will in the world ,
for they say that evils are from us . Yet they themselves
have woes beyond their lot by their own recklessness ,
as even now , beyond his lot , Aegisthus
married Atreides ' wedded wife and killed him when he came home ,
sure of sheer destruction , after we told him beforehand ,
sending Hermes , sharp-sighted Argeiphontes ,
to neither woo his wife nor kill him ,
for there ' d be revenge , from Atreides ' son Orestes ,
when he came of age and longed for his own land .
So Hermes said , but he didn ' t win over the mind of Aegisthus ,
though he meant well . Now he ' s paid for it all all together . "

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