Frequency: 389
- Ἑλληνική : οὗ (4), ὅτε (1), αὐτὰ (1), ᾧ (3), ἧς (2), ἐν ἧι (1), δι ἧς (1), which (2), a cosa (1), alla quale (1), in what (3)
- English : this (12), by which (5), by whom (2), what (7), but (1), which (6), when (7), whom (7), and (3), to where (33), whither (3), where (2), in which (1), who (2), in what place (1), where you (1), turned (1), that (3), wherein (2), Because (3), Because of (2), had (1), Because of this thing (1), which he (3), with (1), though which (1), though which , (1), though (1), from which (3), you used to go (1), from what (1), of which (1), then (1), whom she (1), What (2), they (1), How (1), wherewith (1), because (3), with which (3), and with this (1), to make (1), to where your (2), the (1), she (1), this union (3), he has (1), of this (3), by what (1), to which (2), which it is (1), where your (1), and forth to (1), you (1), by it (1), so that (3), anywhere (1), such that (1), to the point to which (1), in what (1), to his guys in (1), With this (2), With (1), With this having (1)
- Español : de quien (2), en que (1), cuanto (2), por qué (1), por lo cual (1), lo que (1)
- Ancient Egyptian : ᾗ (1)
- български : което (2), накъдето (1), там където (1)
- italiano : in quanto (1), dove (3), per qualche (1), quale (2), e in quella (1), per quale (2), dal quale (1), col quale (1), in cosa (1), sotto il cui (1), dovunque (2), mediante il quale (1), qual cosa (1), questo luogo (2), con il quale (1), qualcuno che (1)
- Croatian : jotta (1)
- Latin : quo (1), to where (1)
- Português : por um certo (1), qual (6), aonde (4), em que (1)