Christof Schöch / Beccaria

Trier University

Another test case from the Beccaria corpus.



Incipit of Chapter 31/36

Christof Schöch / Beccaria
  • Created on 2023-04-07 18:52:52
  • Modified on 2023-04-07 18:57:10
  • Translated by various
  • Aligned by Christof Schöch
De quelques crimes difficiles à constater .

Il y a quelques crimes trop fréquens dans la Société , et en
même tems difficiles à prouver . Tels sont l’adultère , la pédérastie , l’infanticide .

L ' adultère est un crime qui , considéré politiquement , doit
son existence à deux causes , les mauvaises Loix , et cette attrac-
tion si puissante qui porte un sexe vers l ' autre .

Of Crimes of difficult Proof .

[ . . . ]

There are some crimes , which though frequent in society , are of difficult proof , a circumstance admitted , as equal to the probability of the innocence of the accused . But as the frequency
of these crimes is not owing to their impunity so much as to other causes , the danger of their passing unpunished is of less importance , and therefore the time of examination , and prescription may be equally diminished .

[ . . . ]

Adultery is a crime , which , politically considered , owes its existence to two causes , viz . pernicious laws , and the powerful attraction between the sexes .

Von einigen Verbrechen , die schwer zu beweisen sind .

Es giebt einige Verbrechen , die sehr häufig in der Gesellschaft vorkommen , und zugleich schwer zu beweisen sind , als zum Exempel der Ehebruch , die Knabenliebe , und der Kindermord .

Der Ehebruch ist ein Verbrechen , das , wenn man es politisch betrachtet , zwo Ursachen hat , nämlich schlechte Gesetze , und den mächtigen Hang , welchen ein Geschlecht gegen das andre hat .

( 61 ) 81% FRA
( 14 ) 19% FRA - ENG

( 12 ) 9% FRA - ENG
( 115 ) 91% ENG

( 12 ) 9% FRA - ENG
( 115 ) 91% ENG

Beccaria: Incipit of chapter 36 (early versions)

Christof Schöch / Beccaria
  • Created on 2023-04-07 19:07:11
  • Modified on 2023-04-07 19:37:47
  • Translated by various
  • Aligned by Christof Schöch
fra 1766 - deu 1766

( 25 ) 16% FRA
( 129 ) 84% FRA - DEU

( 121 ) 77% FRA - DEU
( 37 ) 23% DEU