Farnoosh Shamsian / Shahnameh, Avesta, etc
University of Leipzig
Bundahišn chapter 1, line 2
Farnoosh Shamsian / Shahnameh, Avesta, etc
- Created on 2018-10-21 08:48:57
- Modified on 2021-11-18 08:52:04
- Translated by Mehrdad Bahar
- Aligned by Farnoosh Shamsian
Zamyad Yasht. Karde VII
Farnoosh Shamsian / Shahnameh, Avesta, etc
- Created on 2019-04-29 08:21:20
- Modified on 2021-11-18 08:54:22
- Translated by Hintze, Darmesteter
- Aligned by Farnoosh Shamsian
uγrəm kauuaēm xvarənō mazdaδātəm yazamaide
aš vaṇdrəm uparō kairīm
ϑamnaŋuhaṇtəm varəcaŋuhaṇtəm
yaoxštiuuaṇtəm taraδātəm aniiāiš dāmąn
yat̰ upaŋhacat̰
yim yiməm xṣ̌aētəm huuąϑβəm
darəγəmcit̰ aipi zruuānəm
yat̰ xṣ̌aiiata paiti būmīm haptaiϑiiąm
daēuuanąm maš́iiānąmca
yāϑβąm pairikanąmca
sāϑrąm kaoiiąm karafnąmca
āat̰ yat̰ hīm
aēm draoγəm vācim aŋhaiϑīm
cinmāne paiti barata
vaēnəmnəm ahmat̰ haca xvarənō
mərəγahe kəhrpa fraṣ̌usat̰ :
auuaēnō xvarənō fraēštō
yō yimō xṣ̌aētō huuąϑβō
brāsat̰ yimō aṣ̌ātō
də̄uš manahiiāica hō stərətō
nidārat̰ upairi ząm
aš vaṇdrəm uparō kairīm
ϑamnaŋuhaṇtəm varəcaŋuhaṇtəm
yaoxštiuuaṇtəm taraδātəm aniiāiš dāmąn
yat̰ upaŋhacat̰
yim yiməm xṣ̌aētəm huuąϑβəm
darəγəmcit̰ aipi zruuānəm
yat̰ xṣ̌aiiata paiti būmīm haptaiϑiiąm
daēuuanąm maš́iiānąmca
yāϑβąm pairikanąmca
sāϑrąm kaoiiąm karafnąmca
āat̰ yat̰ hīm
aēm draoγəm vācim aŋhaiϑīm
cinmāne paiti barata
vaēnəmnəm ahmat̰ haca xvarənō
mərəγahe kəhrpa fraṣ̌usat̰ :
auuaēnō xvarənō fraēštō
yō yimō xṣ̌aētō huuąϑβō
brāsat̰ yimō aṣ̌ātō
də̄uš manahiiāica hō stərətō
nidārat̰ upairi ząm
We worship the mighty Glory of the Kauui dynasty
created by Mazda ,
the highly praised , supreme worker ,
determined , energetic ,
skilful ,
overcoming the other creatures
( The Glory , ) which accompanied
shining Yima of good herds
for a long time ,
so that he ruled over the earth
of seven parts
over demons
and mortals
over wizards and witches ,
over commanders , seers and ritualists
When he had taken up
this false word , the untrue one ,
into his endeavour ,
the Glory flew away from him visibly
in the shape of a bird
Not seeing the Glory shining Yima
of good herds was driven off
Unhappy Yima started to wander about
and being laid low because of his evil mindedness
he kept himself hidden on
the earth
We sacrifice unto the awful kingly Glory , made by Mazda ; most conquering , highly working , that possesses health , wisdom , and happiness , and is more powerful to destroy than all other creatures ;
That clave unto the bright Yima , the good shepherd , for a long time , while he ruled over the seven Karshvares of the earth , over the Daêvas and men , the Yâtus and Pairikas , the oppressors , the blind , and the deaf ;
But when he began to find delight in words of falsehood and untruth , the Glory was seen to flee away from him in the shape of a bird . When his Glory had disappeared , then the great Yima Khshaêta the good shepherd , trembled and was in sorrow before his foes ; he was confounded , and laid him down on the ground .
That clave unto the bright Yima , the good shepherd , for a long time , while he ruled over the seven Karshvares of the earth , over the Daêvas and men , the Yâtus and Pairikas , the oppressors , the blind , and the deaf ;
But when he began to find delight in words of falsehood and untruth , the Glory was seen to flee away from him in the shape of a bird . When his Glory had disappeared , then the great Yima Khshaêta the good shepherd , trembled and was in sorrow before his foes ; he was confounded , and laid him down on the ground .
Khayam- No.47
Farnoosh Shamsian / Shahnameh, Avesta, etc
- Created on 2020-03-25 15:28:00
- Modified on 2021-11-18 08:49:56
- Translated by John Pollen
- Aligned by Farnoosh Shamsian
A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway
Farnoosh Shamsian / Shahnameh, Avesta, etc
- Created on 2020-05-04 13:24:42
- Modified on 2021-11-18 08:55:03
- Translated by Najaf Daryabandari
- Aligned by Farnoosh Shamsian
Khayam- No.132
Farnoosh Shamsian / Shahnameh, Avesta, etc
- Created on 2020-06-10 19:18:19
- Modified on 2021-11-18 08:50:02
- Translated by J.H. McCarthy and E.H. Whinfield
- Aligned by Farnoosh Shamsian
من بی می ناب زیستن نتوانم
بی باده کشید بار تن نتوانم
من بنده آن دم ام که ساقی گوید
یک جام دگر بگیر و من نتوانم
بی باده کشید بار تن نتوانم
من بنده آن دم ام که ساقی گوید
یک جام دگر بگیر و من نتوانم
I could not live without wine ; I could not bear the body’s burden but for the juice of the vine . I am the slave of that sweet moment when the cupbearer offers me yet another draught , and I am too drunk to take it .
Endure this world without my wine I cannot !
Drag on life’s load without my cups I cannot !
I am the slave of that sweet moment , when
They say , " take one more goblet , " and I cannot !
Drag on life’s load without my cups I cannot !
I am the slave of that sweet moment , when
They say , " take one more goblet , " and I cannot !
Shahnameh , Zahaak
Farnoosh Shamsian / Shahnameh, Avesta, etc
- Created on 2021-04-16 18:43:45
- Modified on 2021-11-18 08:49:09
- Translated by Davis, Warners
- Aligned by Farnoosh Shamsian
یکی مرد بود اندر آن روزگار
ز دشت سواران نیزه گزار
گرانمایه هم شاه و هم نیک مرد
ز ترس جهاندار با باد سرد
که مرداس نام گرانمایه بود
بداد و دهش برترین پایه بود
مرو را ز دوشیدنی چارپای
ز هر یک هزار آمدندی به جای
همان گاو دوشا به فرمانبری
همان تازی اسپان همه گوهری
بز و شیرور میش بد همچنین
به دوشندگان داده بد پاک دین
به شیر آن کسی را که بودی نیاز
بدان خواسته دست بردی فراز
پسر بد مرین پاک دین را یکی
که از مهر بهرهش نبود اندکی
جهانجوی را نام ضحاک بود
دلیر و سبکسار و ناباک بود
کجا بیوراسپش همی خواندند
چنین نام بر پهلوی راندند
کجا بیور از پهلوانی شمار
بود در زبان دری ده هزار
ز اسپان تازی به زرین ستام
ورا بود بیور که بردند نام
شب و روز بودی دو بهره به زین
ز راه بزرگی , نه از راه کین
چنان بد که ابلیس روزی پگاه
بیامد بسان یکی نیکخواه
دل مهتر از راه نیکی ببرد
جوان گوش گفتار او را سپرد
بدو گفت پیمانت خواهم نخست
پس آنگه سخن برگشایم درست
جوان سادهدل بود پیمانش کرد
چنان کو بفرمود سوگند خورد
که راز تو با کس نگویم ز بن
ز تو بشنوم هر چه گوئی سخن
بدو گفت جز تو کسی کدخدای
چرا باید ای نامور درسرای
چه باید پدر کهش پسر چون تو بود
یکی پندت از من بباید شنود
زمانه برین خواجه سالخورد
همی دیر ماند , تو اندر نورد
بگیر این سر مایهور گاه اوی
تو را زیبد اندر جهان جاه اوی
گر این گفته من چو آری بجای
جهان را تو باشی یکی کدخدای
چو ضحاک بشنید و اندیشه کرد
ز خون پدر شد دلش پر ز درد
به ابلیس گفت : این سزاوار نیست
دگر گوی کین ازدر کار نیست
بدو گفت اگر بگذری زین سخن
بتابی ز سوگند و پیمان ز بن
بماند به گردنت سوگند و بند
شوی خوار و ماند پدرت ارجمند
سر مرد تازی به دام آورید
چنان شد که فرمان او برگزید
بپرسید کین چاره با من بگوی
چه رویست راه و بهانه مجوی
بدو گفت من چاره سازم تو را
به خورشید سر بر فرازم تو را
مران پادشا را در اندر سرای
یکی بوستان بد گرانمایه جای
گرانمایه شبگیر برخاستی
ز بهر نیایش برآراستی
سر و تن بشستی نهفته به باغ
پرستنده با او نبردی چراغ
One of the desert spear-armed Bedouins
Of noble birth then lived a virtuous king ,
Just , highborn , generous , and hight Mardas ,
Who sought his God with reverence and sighs ,
He kept a thousand head of all milch cattle ,
Goats , camels , sheep , and kine—a gentle breed—
With Arab steeds , all timid beauties they ,
And grudged the milk to none . He had a son
Whom much he loved—Zahhak , a gallant prince ,
But hasty . People called him Biwarasp .
Ten thousand is " biwar " in ancient Persian ,
And he possessed ten thousand Arab steeds
With golden equipage—a famous stud .
Most of his days and nights he spent on horseback
Engaged in superintendence not in war .
One day Iblis approached him as a friend
And led his wits astray . The youth gave ear
With pleasure and all unsuspectingly
Gave to Iblis heart , reason , and pure soul ,
And heaped the dust on his own head . Iblis
Exulted seeing that the youth was snared
And gulled the simpleton with specious words ,
Thus saying : " I could tell thee many things
Known to myself alone . "
The youth made answer : —
" Tell me at once , my worthy monitor ! "
Iblis replied : " First promise , then my story . "
The guileless youth swore as Iblis dictated : —
" Thy secret shall be kept , thy bidding done . "
Then said Iblis : " Great prince ! shall any rule
Here but thyself ? What profiteth a sire
With such a son ? Now hearken to my rede :
The lifetime of this ancient potentate
Continueth , thou art shelved . Seize on his court
And goods . His place will suit thee , thou shalt be
King of the world if thou durst do my bidding . "
Zahhak looked grave ; to shed his sire ' s blood grieved him .
He said : " Not so , suggest some other course :
This cannot be . "
" Then thou , " Iblis rejoined ,
" Art perjured and wilt still be despicable ,
Thy father honoured . "
Thus he snared the Arab ,
Who asked : " What must I do ? I will obey . "
Iblis replied : " Leave me to scheme . Thy head
Shall touch the sun . I only ask thy silence ;
No help need I , myself am competent ,
But keep the sword of speech within the scabbard . "
Now in the palace was a jocund garth ,
And thither used Mardas to go at dawn
To bathe him ere he prayed , without a slave
To light him on his way
. .
Of noble birth then lived a virtuous king ,
Just , highborn , generous , and hight Mardas ,
Who sought his God with reverence and sighs ,
He kept a thousand head of all milch cattle ,
Goats , camels , sheep , and kine—a gentle breed—
With Arab steeds , all timid beauties they ,
And grudged the milk to none . He had a son
Whom much he loved—Zahhak , a gallant prince ,
But hasty . People called him Biwarasp .
Ten thousand is " biwar " in ancient Persian ,
And he possessed ten thousand Arab steeds
With golden equipage—a famous stud .
Most of his days and nights he spent on horseback
Engaged in superintendence not in war .
One day Iblis approached him as a friend
And led his wits astray . The youth gave ear
With pleasure and all unsuspectingly
Gave to Iblis heart , reason , and pure soul ,
And heaped the dust on his own head . Iblis
Exulted seeing that the youth was snared
And gulled the simpleton with specious words ,
Thus saying : " I could tell thee many things
Known to myself alone . "
The youth made answer : —
" Tell me at once , my worthy monitor ! "
Iblis replied : " First promise , then my story . "
The guileless youth swore as Iblis dictated : —
" Thy secret shall be kept , thy bidding done . "
Then said Iblis : " Great prince ! shall any rule
Here but thyself ? What profiteth a sire
With such a son ? Now hearken to my rede :
The lifetime of this ancient potentate
Continueth , thou art shelved . Seize on his court
And goods . His place will suit thee , thou shalt be
King of the world if thou durst do my bidding . "
Zahhak looked grave ; to shed his sire ' s blood grieved him .
He said : " Not so , suggest some other course :
This cannot be . "
" Then thou , " Iblis rejoined ,
" Art perjured and wilt still be despicable ,
Thy father honoured . "
Thus he snared the Arab ,
Who asked : " What must I do ? I will obey . "
Iblis replied : " Leave me to scheme . Thy head
Shall touch the sun . I only ask thy silence ;
No help need I , myself am competent ,
But keep the sword of speech within the scabbard . "
Now in the palace was a jocund garth ,
And thither used Mardas to go at dawn
To bathe him ere he prayed , without a slave
To light him on his way
. .
In those days , in the land of the Arabs , there was a good and fine king who sighed with fear before God . His name was Merdas , and he was a man of great generosity and justice .
Each of the herds he had entrusted to his shepherds numbered a thousand , whether of cows , or Arab horses , or goats , or milk-giving sheep , and he freely gave milk to anyone who needed it .
This righteous man had a son , whose character had very little kindness in it . He was an ambitious youth named Zahhak , brave , turbulent in his moods , and of an evil disposition . Everyone called him Bivarasp , a Pahlavi word meaning " ten thousand horses , " because he had ten thousand Arab horses , all with golden bridles . He spent most of his days and nights riding them , not into battle so much as to demonstrate his wealth and greatness .
One day at dawn Eblis appeared before Zahhak , presenting himself as a friendly well-wisher , and the youth was charmed by his conversation . Eblis said , " First I want your promise that our talk will be confidential , and then I will tell you what I have to say . " The young man greeted him kindly , and answered , " I will tell no one about anything I hear from you . "
Eblis said , " Listen to my advice . No one but you should be in charge here ; with a son like you , why should an old , worn-out father go on ruling for so long ? Take his place , you’re the person best fitted for his position . If you listen to my advice , you will be the ruler of the world . " Zahhak heard him out and considered his words , but the thought of shedding his father’s blood troubled his heart . He said , " This is wrong ; give me different advice , this is not something I can do . " Eblis said , " If you don’t follow my advice , you’re breaking your promise ; you’ll stay as a wretched subject and your father will stay as ruler . "
And so he led the Arab into his trap , and Zahhak decided to obey him . He said , " Tell me how to do it , what’s the best way to accomplish this ? Don’t make excuses now . " Eblis replied , " I will take care of how it’s to be done ; Your head will rise in heaven , like the sun . " King Merdas owned a fine orchard , and he would go there in the dawn’s darkness , to wash his head and body , and to pray . The servant who accompanied him did not bring a lamp .
Each of the herds he had entrusted to his shepherds numbered a thousand , whether of cows , or Arab horses , or goats , or milk-giving sheep , and he freely gave milk to anyone who needed it .
This righteous man had a son , whose character had very little kindness in it . He was an ambitious youth named Zahhak , brave , turbulent in his moods , and of an evil disposition . Everyone called him Bivarasp , a Pahlavi word meaning " ten thousand horses , " because he had ten thousand Arab horses , all with golden bridles . He spent most of his days and nights riding them , not into battle so much as to demonstrate his wealth and greatness .
One day at dawn Eblis appeared before Zahhak , presenting himself as a friendly well-wisher , and the youth was charmed by his conversation . Eblis said , " First I want your promise that our talk will be confidential , and then I will tell you what I have to say . " The young man greeted him kindly , and answered , " I will tell no one about anything I hear from you . "
Eblis said , " Listen to my advice . No one but you should be in charge here ; with a son like you , why should an old , worn-out father go on ruling for so long ? Take his place , you’re the person best fitted for his position . If you listen to my advice , you will be the ruler of the world . " Zahhak heard him out and considered his words , but the thought of shedding his father’s blood troubled his heart . He said , " This is wrong ; give me different advice , this is not something I can do . " Eblis said , " If you don’t follow my advice , you’re breaking your promise ; you’ll stay as a wretched subject and your father will stay as ruler . "
And so he led the Arab into his trap , and Zahhak decided to obey him . He said , " Tell me how to do it , what’s the best way to accomplish this ? Don’t make excuses now . " Eblis replied , " I will take care of how it’s to be done ; Your head will rise in heaven , like the sun . " King Merdas owned a fine orchard , and he would go there in the dawn’s darkness , to wash his head and body , and to pray . The servant who accompanied him did not bring a lamp .
Shahnameh , Zahaak, Pizzi translation
Farnoosh Shamsian / Shahnameh, Avesta, etc
- Created on 2021-04-24 17:07:54
- Modified on 2021-11-18 08:49:57
- Translated by Pizzi and DeepL
- Aligned by Farnoosh Shamsian
[ 1 ] یکی مرد بود اندر آن روزگار
[ 2 ] ز دشت سواران نیزه گذار
[ 3 ] گرانمایه هم شاه و هم نیک مرد
[ 4 ] ز ترس جهاندار با باد سرد
[ 5 ] که مرداس نام گرانمایه بود
[ 6 ] بداد و دهش برترین پایه بود
[ 7 ] مر او را ز دوشیدنی چارپای
[ 8 ] ز هر یک هزار آمدندی به جای
[ 9 ] بز و اشتر و میش را همچنین
[ 10 ] به دوشندگان داده بد پاک دین
[ 11 ] همان گاو دوشا به فرمانبری
[ 12 ] همان تازی اسپ رمنده فری
[ 13 ] به شیر آن کسی را که بودی نیاز
[ 14 ] بدان خواسته دست بردی فراز
[ 15 ] پسر بد مر آن پاک دین را یکی
[ 16 ] کش از مهر بهره نبود اندکی
[ 17 ] جهانجوی را نام ضحاک بود
[ 18 ] دلیر و سبکسار و ناباک بود
[ 19 ] همان بیوراسپش همی خواندند
[ 20 ] چنین نام بر پهلوی راندند
[ 21 ] کجا بیور از پهلوانی شمار
[ 22 ] بود در زبان دری ده هزار
[ 2 ] ز دشت سواران نیزه گذار
[ 3 ] گرانمایه هم شاه و هم نیک مرد
[ 4 ] ز ترس جهاندار با باد سرد
[ 5 ] که مرداس نام گرانمایه بود
[ 6 ] بداد و دهش برترین پایه بود
[ 7 ] مر او را ز دوشیدنی چارپای
[ 8 ] ز هر یک هزار آمدندی به جای
[ 9 ] بز و اشتر و میش را همچنین
[ 10 ] به دوشندگان داده بد پاک دین
[ 11 ] همان گاو دوشا به فرمانبری
[ 12 ] همان تازی اسپ رمنده فری
[ 13 ] به شیر آن کسی را که بودی نیاز
[ 14 ] بدان خواسته دست بردی فراز
[ 15 ] پسر بد مر آن پاک دین را یکی
[ 16 ] کش از مهر بهره نبود اندکی
[ 17 ] جهانجوی را نام ضحاک بود
[ 18 ] دلیر و سبکسار و ناباک بود
[ 19 ] همان بیوراسپش همی خواندند
[ 20 ] چنین نام بر پهلوی راندند
[ 21 ] کجا بیور از پهلوانی شمار
[ 22 ] بود در زبان دری ده هزار
[ 1 ] [ There ] was a man in that time ,
[ 2 ] Of the country [ inhabited ] by horsemen armed with spears ( the deserts of Arabia inhabited by warlike people ) ,
[ 3 ] a king both of great valor and at the same time an honest man ,
[ 4 ] [ full ] of sighs for fear of the owner of the world ( God ) .
[ 5 ] The name of [ that ] valiant man was Mirdâs ,
[ 6 ] and [ he ] for justice and generosity was [ a man of ] supreme rank .
[ 7 ] To him of milk-giving quadrupeds ( sing . )
[ 8 ] came to [ that ] place ( gathered to his house ) thousands ( sing . ) of every [ species ]
[ 9-10 ] [ because he , that man ] of pure religion , had given to the milkers goats and camels and sheep likewise [ to milk and keep ]
[ 11 ] together [ with ] suckling cows to the servants
[ 12 ] and together Arabian horses gracefully running .
[ 13 ] To whomever that needed milk ,
[ 14 ] for that wish he stretched out his hand ( i . e . granted to take it freely ) .
[ 15 ] This [ man ] of pure religion had a son ,
[ 16 ] for whom he had not little love .
[ 17 ] [ This young man ] desirous of reign [ ambitious ] [ had ] the name Zahhâk ,
[ 18 ] and was brave and precipitate and undaunted .
[ 19 ] They all called him Bîverasp ;
[ 20 ] such a name they used [ then ] in [ the ] Pehlevic [ language ] ,
[ 21 ] since bîvar among the ( sing . ) Pehlevic numbers
[ 22 ] is ( worth ) in the Derî language ten thousand ;
[ 2 ] Of the country [ inhabited ] by horsemen armed with spears ( the deserts of Arabia inhabited by warlike people ) ,
[ 3 ] a king both of great valor and at the same time an honest man ,
[ 4 ] [ full ] of sighs for fear of the owner of the world ( God ) .
[ 5 ] The name of [ that ] valiant man was Mirdâs ,
[ 6 ] and [ he ] for justice and generosity was [ a man of ] supreme rank .
[ 7 ] To him of milk-giving quadrupeds ( sing . )
[ 8 ] came to [ that ] place ( gathered to his house ) thousands ( sing . ) of every [ species ]
[ 9-10 ] [ because he , that man ] of pure religion , had given to the milkers goats and camels and sheep likewise [ to milk and keep ]
[ 11 ] together [ with ] suckling cows to the servants
[ 12 ] and together Arabian horses gracefully running .
[ 13 ] To whomever that needed milk ,
[ 14 ] for that wish he stretched out his hand ( i . e . granted to take it freely ) .
[ 15 ] This [ man ] of pure religion had a son ,
[ 16 ] for whom he had not little love .
[ 17 ] [ This young man ] desirous of reign [ ambitious ] [ had ] the name Zahhâk ,
[ 18 ] and was brave and precipitate and undaunted .
[ 19 ] They all called him Bîverasp ;
[ 20 ] such a name they used [ then ] in [ the ] Pehlevic [ language ] ,
[ 21 ] since bîvar among the ( sing . ) Pehlevic numbers
[ 22 ] is ( worth ) in the Derî language ten thousand ;
[ 1 ] Era [ vi ] un uomo in quel tempo
[ 2 ] della campagna [ abitata ] dai cavalieri armati di lancia ( i deserti d’Arabia abitati da gente bellicosa ) ,
[ 3 ] re insieme di gran valore e insieme uomo onesto ,
[ 4 ] [ pieno ] di sospiri per timore del Reggitor del mondo ( Iddio ) .
[ 5 ] Il nome di [ quel ] valoroso era Mirdâs ,
[ 6 ] ed [ egli ] per giustizia e per liberalità era [ uomo di ] supremo grado .
[ 7 ] A lui di quadrupedi ( sing . ) da mungere
[ 8 ] venivano a [ quel ] luogo ( si radunavano alla sua casa ) le migliaia ( sing . ) di ogni [ specie , porchè egli , quell’ uomo ]
[ 9-10 ] di pura religione , aveva consegnato ai mungitori ( da mungere e da custodire ) capre e cammelli e pecore parimente
[ 11 ] e insieme vacche lattanti ai servi ( sing . ) [ suoi ]
[ 12 ] e insieme arabi cavalli leggiadramente correnti .
[ 13 ] A chiunque poi avesse bisogno di latte ,
[ 14 ] per cotesta cosa desiderata egli stendeva la mano ( cioè concedeva di prenderne liberamente ) .
[ 15 ] Quest ' [ uomo ] di pura religione aveva un figlio ,
[ 16 ] pel quale non aveva parte piccola d ' amore .
[ 17 ] [ Questo giovane ] desideroso di regno ( ambizioso ) [ aveva ] nome Zahhâk ,
[ 18 ] ed era coraggioso e precipitoso e imperterrito .
[ 19 ] Tutti lo chiamavano Bîverasp ;
[ 20 ] tal nome usavano [ allora ] in [ lingua ] pehlevica ,
[ 21 ] inquantochè bîvar tra i numeri ( sing . ) pehlevici
[ 22 ] è ( vale ) nella lingua derî diecimila ;
[ 2 ] della campagna [ abitata ] dai cavalieri armati di lancia ( i deserti d’Arabia abitati da gente bellicosa ) ,
[ 3 ] re insieme di gran valore e insieme uomo onesto ,
[ 4 ] [ pieno ] di sospiri per timore del Reggitor del mondo ( Iddio ) .
[ 5 ] Il nome di [ quel ] valoroso era Mirdâs ,
[ 6 ] ed [ egli ] per giustizia e per liberalità era [ uomo di ] supremo grado .
[ 7 ] A lui di quadrupedi ( sing . ) da mungere
[ 8 ] venivano a [ quel ] luogo ( si radunavano alla sua casa ) le migliaia ( sing . ) di ogni [ specie , porchè egli , quell’ uomo ]
[ 9-10 ] di pura religione , aveva consegnato ai mungitori ( da mungere e da custodire ) capre e cammelli e pecore parimente
[ 11 ] e insieme vacche lattanti ai servi ( sing . ) [ suoi ]
[ 12 ] e insieme arabi cavalli leggiadramente correnti .
[ 13 ] A chiunque poi avesse bisogno di latte ,
[ 14 ] per cotesta cosa desiderata egli stendeva la mano ( cioè concedeva di prenderne liberamente ) .
[ 15 ] Quest ' [ uomo ] di pura religione aveva un figlio ,
[ 16 ] pel quale non aveva parte piccola d ' amore .
[ 17 ] [ Questo giovane ] desideroso di regno ( ambizioso ) [ aveva ] nome Zahhâk ,
[ 18 ] ed era coraggioso e precipitoso e imperterrito .
[ 19 ] Tutti lo chiamavano Bîverasp ;
[ 20 ] tal nome usavano [ allora ] in [ lingua ] pehlevica ,
[ 21 ] inquantochè bîvar tra i numeri ( sing . ) pehlevici
[ 22 ] è ( vale ) nella lingua derî diecimila ;
Masnavi 20 lines without guideline
Farnoosh Shamsian / Shahnameh, Avesta, etc
- Created on 2021-07-08 17:12:21
- Modified on 2021-11-18 08:50:54
- Aligned by Farnoosh Shamsian
فارسی Transliterate
بهر خوردن جز که آب آنجا نبود روز و شب بد خر در آن کور و کبود
والدین و ملک را بگذاشتند راه معشوق نهان برداشتند
گوشت پارهی آدمی با عقل و جان میشکافد کوه را با بحر و کان
گفت خواهم مرد بر جادهی دو ره در ره خشم و به هنگام شره
هم بدان تیغش بفرمود او قصاص کی کند مکرش ز علم حق خلاص
من ندانم آن چه اندیشیدهای ای دو دیده دوست را چون دیدهای
چاک حمق و جهل نپذیرد رفو تخم حکمت کم دهش ای پندگو
هر که را با اختری پیوستگی است مر و را با اختر خود همتگی است
زان بگرداند به هر سو آن لگام تا خبر یابد ز فارس اسپ خام
اسلم الشیطان آنجا شد پدید که یزیدی شد ز فضلش بایزید
صاحب خرمن همی گوید که هی ای ز کوری پیش تو معدوم شی
زانک خویشانش هم از وی میرمند گرچه با ذاتش ملایک همدمند
گر جوابش نیست میبندد ستیز بر همان دم تا به روز رستخیز
نقض میثاق و عهود از احمقی است حفظ ایمان و وفا کار تقی است
زیرکی چون کبر و باد انگیز تست ابلهی شو تا بماند دل درست
دید کو سابق زراعت کرد ماش او همیداند چه خواهد بود چاش
خواجه را که در گذشتست از اثیر جنس این موشان تاریکی مگیر
لیک مستی شیرگیری وز گمان شیر پنداری تو خود را هین مران
در وحل تاویل رخصت میکنی چون نمیخواهی کز آن دل بر کنی
همچو مدح مرد چوپان سلیم مر خدا را پیش موسی کلیم
Except water , there was nothing for it to eat or drink : the ass was in that miserable state by day and by night .
They left their parents and kingdom , they took the way to the hidden beloved .
The piece of flesh which is Man , endowed with intelligence and soul , cleaves mountain and sea and mine .
He answered , I want ( one who is ) a man on the two wayed road in the way of anger and at the time of desire .
He ordered retaliation ( by killing him ) with that same knife : how should contrivance deliver him from the knowledge of God ?
Do not I know what thought thou hast conceived ? O thou who hast seen double , how hast thou regarded the Beloved ?
The rent of folly and ignorance does not admit of being patched up : do not give the seed of wisdom to him ( the fool ) , O counsellor .
Anyone who has affinity with a star ( planet ) has a concurrence ( of qualities ) with his star .
He turns the ( horse ) bridle in every direction in order that the untrained horse may gain knowledge of the rider .
( The meaning of ) the Devil became a true believer is made manifest on the occasion when by His ( God ) grace a Yazíd becomes a Báyazíd .
The Owner of the threshingfloor is saying ( to the ant ) , Hey , thou who in thy blindness deemest nothing something ,
Because even his ( the true Moslem ) kinsfolk are fleeing from him , though the angels are in harmony with his essence .
If it has no reply ( to the arguments brought against it ) , it will cling obstinately to the same formula till the Day of Resurrection ,
Breach of compacts and covenants is ( the result ) of stupidity ; keeping of oaths and faithfulness ( to one ' s word ) is the practice of him that fears God .
Since , intelligence is the exciter of pride and vanity in you , become a fool in order that your heart may remain sound .
He perceived that in the past he had sown pulse : he knows what the produce will be .
Do not suppose the Khwája , who has passed beyond the aether ( the ninth celestial sphere ) , to be homogeneous with these mice of darkness .
But you are drunken , potvaliant , and from ( mere ) opinion think yourself to be a lion : Beware , do not advance !
You interpret ( some canonical text ) as an indulgence ( authorising you to stay ) in the mud , since you are not willing to tear your heart from it .
Like the praise given to God by the simple shepherd in the presence of Moses the Kalím .
Except water , there was nothing for it to eat or drink : the ass was in that miserable state by day and by night .
They left their parents and kingdom , they took the way to the hidden beloved .
The piece of flesh which is Man , endowed with intelligence and soul , cleaves mountain and sea and mine .
He answered , I want ( one who is ) a man on the two wayed road in the way of anger and at the time of desire .
He ordered retaliation ( by killing him ) with that same knife : how should contrivance deliver him from the knowledge of God ?
Do not I know what thought thou hast conceived ? O thou who hast seen double , how hast thou regarded the Beloved ?
The rent of folly and ignorance does not admit of being patched up : do not give the seed of wisdom to him ( the fool ) , O counsellor .
Anyone who has affinity with a star ( planet ) has a concurrence ( of qualities ) with his star .
He turns the ( horse ) bridle in every direction in order that the untrained horse may gain knowledge of the rider .
( The meaning of ) the Devil became a true believer is made manifest on the occasion when by His ( God ) grace a Yazíd becomes a Báyazíd .
The Owner of the threshingfloor is saying ( to the ant ) , Hey , thou who in thy blindness deemest nothing something ,
Because even his ( the true Moslem ) kinsfolk are fleeing from him , though the angels are in harmony with his essence .
If it has no reply ( to the arguments brought against it ) , it will cling obstinately to the same formula till the Day of Resurrection ,
Breach of compacts and covenants is ( the result ) of stupidity ; keeping of oaths and faithfulness ( to one ' s word ) is the practice of him that fears God .
Since , intelligence is the exciter of pride and vanity in you , become a fool in order that your heart may remain sound .
He perceived that in the past he had sown pulse : he knows what the produce will be .
Do not suppose the Khwája , who has passed beyond the aether ( the ninth celestial sphere ) , to be homogeneous with these mice of darkness .
But you are drunken , potvaliant , and from ( mere ) opinion think yourself to be a lion : Beware , do not advance !
You interpret ( some canonical text ) as an indulgence ( authorising you to stay ) in the mud , since you are not willing to tear your heart from it .
Like the praise given to God by the simple shepherd in the presence of Moses the Kalím .
Masnavi 20 lines with guideline
Farnoosh Shamsian / Shahnameh, Avesta, etc
- Created on 2021-07-16 12:19:37
- Modified on 2021-11-18 08:50:52
- Aligned by Farnoosh Shamsian
فارسی Transliterate
بهر خوردن جز که آب آنجا نبود روز و شب بد خر در آن کور و کبود
والدین و ملک را بگذاشتند راه معشوق نهان برداشتند
گوشت پارهی آدمی با عقل و جان میشکافد کوه را با بحر و کان
گفت خواهم مرد بر جادهی دو ره در ره خشم و به هنگام شره
هم بدان تیغش بفرمود او قصاص کی کند مکرش ز علم حق خلاص
من ندانم آن چه اندیشیدهای ای دو دیده دوست را چون دیدهای
چاک حمق و جهل نپذیرد رفو تخم حکمت کم دهش ای پندگو
هر که را با اختری پیوستگی است مر و را با اختر خود همتگی است
زان بگرداند به هر سو آن لگام تا خبر یابد ز فارس اسپ خام
اسلم الشیطان آنجا شد پدید که یزیدی شد ز فضلش بایزید
صاحب خرمن همی گوید که هی ای ز کوری پیش تو معدوم شی
زانک خویشانش هم از وی میرمند گرچه با ذاتش ملایک همدمند
گر جوابش نیست میبندد ستیز بر همان دم تا به روز رستخیز
نقض میثاق و عهود از احمقی است حفظ ایمان و وفا کار تقی است
زیرکی چون کبر و باد انگیز تست ابلهی شو تا بماند دل درست
دید کو سابق زراعت کرد ماش او همیداند چه خواهد بود چاش
خواجه را که در گذشتست از اثیر جنس این موشان تاریکی مگیر
لیک مستی شیرگیری وز گمان شیر پنداری تو خود را هین مران
در وحل تاویل رخصت میکنی چون نمیخواهی کز آن دل بر کنی
همچو مدح مرد چوپان سلیم مر خدا را پیش موسی کلیم
Except water , there was nothing for it to eat or drink : the ass was in that miserable state by day and by night .
They left their parents and kingdom , they took the way to the hidden beloved .
The piece of flesh which is Man , endowed with intelligence and soul , cleaves mountain and sea and mine .
He answered , I want ( one who is ) a man on the two wayed road in the way of anger and at the time of desire .
He ordered retaliation ( by killing him ) with that same knife : how should contrivance deliver him from the knowledge of God ?
Do not I know what thought thou hast conceived ? O thou who hast seen double , how hast thou regarded the Beloved ?
The rent of folly and ignorance does not admit of being patched up : do not give the seed of wisdom to him ( the fool ) , O counsellor .
Anyone who has affinity with a star ( planet ) has a concurrence ( of qualities ) with his star .
He turns the ( horse ) bridle in every direction in order that the untrained horse may gain knowledge of the rider .
( The meaning of ) the Devil became a true believer is made manifest on the occasion when by His ( God ) grace a Yazíd becomes a Báyazíd .
The Owner of the threshingfloor is saying ( to the ant ) , Hey , thou who in thy blindness deemest nothing something ,
Because even his ( the true Moslem ) kinsfolk are fleeing from him , though the angels are in harmony with his essence .
If it has no reply ( to the arguments brought against it ) , it will cling obstinately to the same formula till the Day of Resurrection ,
Breach of compacts and covenants is ( the result ) of stupidity ; keeping of oaths and faithfulness ( to one ' s word ) is the practice of him that fears God .
Since , intelligence is the exciter of pride and vanity in you , become a fool in order that your heart may remain sound .
He perceived that in the past he had sown pulse : he knows what the produce will be .
Do not suppose the Khwája , who has passed beyond the aether ( the ninth celestial sphere ) , to be homogeneous with these mice of darkness .
But you are drunken , potvaliant , and from ( mere ) opinion think yourself to be a lion : Beware , do not advance !
You interpret ( some canonical text ) as an indulgence ( authorising you to stay ) in the mud , since you are not willing to tear your heart from it .
Like the praise given to God by the simple shepherd in the presence of Moses the Kalím .
Except water , there was nothing for it to eat or drink : the ass was in that miserable state by day and by night .
They left their parents and kingdom , they took the way to the hidden beloved .
The piece of flesh which is Man , endowed with intelligence and soul , cleaves mountain and sea and mine .
He answered , I want ( one who is ) a man on the two wayed road in the way of anger and at the time of desire .
He ordered retaliation ( by killing him ) with that same knife : how should contrivance deliver him from the knowledge of God ?
Do not I know what thought thou hast conceived ? O thou who hast seen double , how hast thou regarded the Beloved ?
The rent of folly and ignorance does not admit of being patched up : do not give the seed of wisdom to him ( the fool ) , O counsellor .
Anyone who has affinity with a star ( planet ) has a concurrence ( of qualities ) with his star .
He turns the ( horse ) bridle in every direction in order that the untrained horse may gain knowledge of the rider .
( The meaning of ) the Devil became a true believer is made manifest on the occasion when by His ( God ) grace a Yazíd becomes a Báyazíd .
The Owner of the threshingfloor is saying ( to the ant ) , Hey , thou who in thy blindness deemest nothing something ,
Because even his ( the true Moslem ) kinsfolk are fleeing from him , though the angels are in harmony with his essence .
If it has no reply ( to the arguments brought against it ) , it will cling obstinately to the same formula till the Day of Resurrection ,
Breach of compacts and covenants is ( the result ) of stupidity ; keeping of oaths and faithfulness ( to one ' s word ) is the practice of him that fears God .
Since , intelligence is the exciter of pride and vanity in you , become a fool in order that your heart may remain sound .
He perceived that in the past he had sown pulse : he knows what the produce will be .
Do not suppose the Khwája , who has passed beyond the aether ( the ninth celestial sphere ) , to be homogeneous with these mice of darkness .
But you are drunken , potvaliant , and from ( mere ) opinion think yourself to be a lion : Beware , do not advance !
You interpret ( some canonical text ) as an indulgence ( authorising you to stay ) in the mud , since you are not willing to tear your heart from it .
Like the praise given to God by the simple shepherd in the presence of Moses the Kalím .