Mischa Hooker / Euripides Bacchae

Augustana College

Bacchae 370-386 (Johnston; Murray)

Mischa Hooker / Euripides Bacchae
  • Created on 2021-02-10 19:45:48
  • Modified on 2021-02-23 20:25:43
  • Translated by Johnston; Murray
  • Aligned by Mischa Hooker
Ὁσία πότνα θεῶν ,
Ὁσία δ᾽ κατὰ γᾶν
χρυσέαν πτέρυγα φέρεις ,
τάδε Πενθέως ἀίεις ;
ἀίεις οὐχ ὁσίαν
ὕβριν ἐς τὸν Βρόμιον , τὸν
Σεμέλας , τὸν παρὰ καλλι-
στεφάνοις εὐφροσύναις δαί-
μονα πρῶτον μακάρων ; ὃς τάδ᾽ ἔχει ,
θιασεύειν τε χοροῖς
μετά τ᾽ αὐλοῦ γελάσαι
ἀποπαῦσαί τε μερίμνας ,
ὁπόταν βότρυος ἔλθῃ
γάνος ἐν δαιτὶ θεῶν , κισ-
σοφόροις δ᾽ ἐν θαλίαις ἀν-
δράσι κρατὴρ ὕπνον ἀμ-
φιβάλλῃ .
Holiness , queen of the gods ,
Holiness , sweeping over earth
on wings of gold ,
do you hear what Pentheus says ?
Do you hear the profanities he utters ,
the insults against Bromius ,
child of Semele , chief god
among all blessed gods ,
for those who wear their lovely garlands
in a spirit of harmonious joy ?
This is his special office ,
to lead men together in the dance ,
to make them laugh as the flute plays ,
to bring all sorrows to an end ,
at the god’s sacrificial feast ,
when the gleaming liquid grapes arrive ,
when the wine bowl casts its sleep
on ivy-covered feasting men .
Thou Immaculate on high ;
Thou Recording Purity ;
Thou that stoopest , Golden Wing ,
Earthward , manward , pitying ,
Hearest thou this angry King ?
Hearest thou the rage and scorn
' Gainst the Lord of Many Voices ,
Him of mortal mother born ,
Him in whom man ' s heart rejoices ,
Girt with garlands and with glee ,
First in Heaven ' s sovranty ?
For his kingdom , it is there ,
In the dancing and the prayer ,
In the music and the laughter ,
In the vanishing of care ,
And of all before and after ;
In the Gods ' high banquet , when
Gleams the grape-blood , flashed to heaven ;
Yea , and in the feasts of men
Comes his crowned slumber ; then
Pain is dead and hate forgiven !

( 20 ) 27% GRC
( 53 ) 73% GRC - ENG

( 85 ) 72% GRC - ENG
( 33 ) 28% ENG

( 85 ) 72% GRC - ENG
( 33 ) 28% ENG

Bacchae 64-72 (Arrowsmith; Wilson)

Mischa Hooker / Euripides Bacchae
  • Created on 2021-02-23 19:49:47
  • Modified on 2021-02-23 20:25:28
  • Translated by Arrowsmith; Wilson
  • Aligned by Mischa Hooker
Ἀσίας ἀπὸ γᾶς
ἱερὸν Τμῶλον ἀμείψασα θοάζω
Βρομίῳ πόνον ἡδὺν
κάματόν τ᾽ εὐκάματον , Βάκ-
χιον εὐαζομένα .
τίς ὁδῷ τίς ὁδῷ ; τίς ;
μελάθροις ἔκτοπος ἔστω , στόμα τ᾽ εὔφη-
μον ἅπας ἐξοσιούσθω :
τὰ νομισθέντα γὰρ αἰεὶ
Διόνυσον ὑμνήσω .
Out of the land of Asia ,
down from holy Tmolus ,
speeding the service of god ,
for Bromius we come !
Hard are the labors of god ;
hard , but his service is sweet .
Sweet to serve , sweet to cry :
Bacchius ! Evohe !
-- You on the streets !
-- You on the roads !
-- Make way !
-- Let every mouth be hushed . Let no ill-omened words
profane your tongues .
-- Make way ! Fall back !
-- Hush .
-- For now I raise the old , old hymn to Dionysus .
We came from the East ,
from holy Mount Tmolus ,
to work the sweet work
for the Lord of Rumbling Thunder .
Praise to Lord Bacchus !
Who stops us , who , who , who ?
Go now , away with you , indoors , go .
Keep your words sacred , keep your mouth clean .
We will sing the eternal ritual song
for Dionysus .

( 16 ) 37% GRC
( 27 ) 63% GRC - ENG

( 41 ) 39% GRC - ENG
( 63 ) 61% ENG

( 41 ) 39% GRC - ENG
( 63 ) 61% ENG

Bacchae 729-739 (Wilson)

Mischa Hooker / Euripides Bacchae
  • Created on 2021-04-16 20:05:00
  • Modified on 2021-04-16 21:15:24
  • Translated by Wilson
  • Aligned by Mischa Hooker