
Josh Kemp / ParodosForArticle
  • Created on 2023-05-26 17:07:06
  • Modified on 2023-06-20 18:03:08
  • Translated by Theodore Alois Buckley
  • Aligned by Josh Kemp
Buckley with a corrected Greek text.
Ἑλληνική Transliterate
Ἀσίας ἀπὸ γᾶς ἱερὸν Τμῶλον ἀμείψασα θοάζω Βρομίῳ πόνον ἡδὺν κάματόν τʼ εὐκάματον , Βάκχιον εὐαζομένα . τίς ὁδῷ τίς ὁδῷ ; τίς ; μελάθροις ἔκτοπος ἔστω , στόμα τʼ εὔφημον ἅπας ἐξοσιούσθω · τὰ νομισθέντα γὰρ αἰεὶ Διόνυσον ὑμνήσω . μάκαρ , ὅστις εὐδαίμων τελετὰς θεῶν εἰδὼς βιοτὰν ἁγιστεύει καὶ θιασεύεται ψυχὰν ἐν ὄρεσσι βακχεύων ὁσίοις καθαρμοῖσιν , τά τε ματρὸς μεγάλας ὄργια Κυβέλας θεμιτεύων , ἀνὰ θύρσον τε τινάσσων , κισσῷ τε στεφανωθεὶς Διόνυσον θεραπεύει . ἴτε βάκχαι , ἴτε βάκχαι , Βρόμιον παῖδα θεὸν θεοῦ Διόνυσον κατάγουσαι Φρυγίων ἐξ ὀρέων Ἑλλάδος εἰς εὐρυχόρους ἀγυιάς , τὸν Βρόμιον · ὅν ποτʼ ἔχουσʼ ἐν ὠδίνων λοχίαις ἀνάγκαισι πταμένας Διὸς βροντᾶς νηδύος ἔκβολον μάτηρ ἔτεκεν , λιποῦσʼ αἰῶνα κεραυνίῳ πληγᾷ · λοχίοις δʼ αὐτίκα νιν δέξατο θαλάμαις Κρονίδας Ζεύς , κατὰ μηρῷ δὲ καλύψας χρυσέαισιν συνερείδει περόναις κρυπτὸν ἀφʼ Ἥρας . ἔτεκεν δʼ , ἁνίκα Μοῖραι τέλεσαν , ταυρόκερων θεὸν στεφάνωσέν τε δρακόντων στεφάνοις , ἔνθεν ἄγραν θηροτρόφον μαινάδες ἀμφιβάλλονται πλοκάμοις . Σεμέλας τροφοὶ Θῆβαι , στεφανοῦσθε κισσῷ · βρύετε βρύετε χλοήρει μίλακι καλλικάρπῳ καὶ καταβακχιοῦσθε δρυὸς ἐλάτας κλάδοισι , στικτῶν τʼ ἐνδυτὰ νεβρίδων στέφετε λευκοτρίχων πλοκάμων μαλλοῖς · ἀμφὶ δὲ νάρθηκας ὑβριστὰς ὁσιοῦσθʼ · αὐτίκα γᾶ πᾶσα χορεύσει Βρόμιος ὅστις ἄγῃ θιάσουσ εἰς ὄρος εἰς ὄρος , ἔνθα μένει θηλυγενὴς ὄχλος ἀφʼ ἱστῶν παρὰ κερκίδων τʼ οἰστρηθεὶς Διονύσῳ . θαλάμευμα Κουρήτων ζάθεοί τε Κρήτας Διογενέτορες ἔναυλοι , ἔνθα τρικόρυθες ἄντροις βυρσότονον κύκλωμα τόδε μοι Κορύβαντες ηὗρον · βακχείᾳ δʼ ἀνὰ συντόνῳ κέρασαν ἁδυβόᾳ Φρυγίων αὐλῶν πνεύματι ματρός τε Ῥέας ἐς χέρα θῆκαν , κτύπον εὐάσμασι Βακχᾶν · παρὰ δὲ μαινόμενοι Σάτυροι ματέρος ἐξανύσαντο θεᾶς , ἐς δὲ χορεύματα συνῆψαν τριετηρίδων , αἷς χαίρει Διόνυσος . ἡδὺς ἐν ὄρεσιν , ὅταν ἐκ θιάσων δρομαίων πέσῃ πεδόσε , νεβρίδος ἔχων ἱερὸν ἐνδυτόν , ἀγρεύων αἷμα τραγοκτόνον , ὠμοφάγον χάριν , ἱέμενος ἐς ὄρεα Φρύγια , Λύδιʼ , δʼ ἔξαρχος Βρόμιος , εὐοἷ . ῥεῖ δὲ γάλακτι πέδον , ῥεῖ δʼ οἴνῳ , ῥεῖ δὲ μελισσᾶν νέκταρι . Συρίας δʼ ὡς λιβάνου καπνὸν Βακχεὺς ἀνέχων πυρσώδη φλόγα πεύκας ἐκ νάρθηκος ἀίσσει δρόμῳ καὶ χοροῖσιν πλανάτας ἐρεθίζων ἰαχαῖς τʼ ἀναπάλλων , τρυφερόν τε πλόκαμον εἰς αἰθέρα ῥίπτων . ἅμα δʼ εὐάσμασι τοιάδʼ ἐπιβρέμει · ἴτε βάκχαι , ἴτε βάκχαι , Τμώλου χρυσορόου χλιδᾷ μέλπετε τὸν Διόνυσον βαρυβρόμων ὑπὸ τυμπάνων , εὔια τὸν εὔιον ἀγαλλόμεναι θεὸν ἐν Φρυγίαισι βοαῖς ἐνοπαῖσί τε , λωτὸς ὅταν εὐκέλαδος ἱερὸς ἱερὰ παίγματα βρέμῃ , σύνοχα φοιτάσιν εἰς ὄρος εἰς ὄρος · ἡδομένα δʼ ἄρα , πῶλος ὅπως ἅμα ματέρι φορβάδι , κῶλον ἄγει ταχύπουν σκιρτήμασι βάκχα .
From the land of Asia , having left sacred Tmolus , I am swift to perform for Bromius my sweet labor and toil easily borne , celebrating the god Bacchus . Who is in the way ? Who is in the way ? Who ? Let him get out of the way indoors , and let everyone keep his mouth pure , speaking propitious things . For I will celebrate Dionysus with hymns according to eternal custom . Blessed is he who , being fortunate and knowing the rites of the gods , keeps his life pure and has his soul initiated into the Bacchic revels , dancing in inspired frenzy over the mountains with holy purifications , and who , revering the mysteries of great mother Kybele , brandishing the thyrsos , garlanded with ivy , serves Dionysus . Go , Bacchae , go , Bacchae , escorting the god Bromius , child of a god , from the Phrygian mountains to the broad streets of Hellas Bromius , Whom once , in the compulsion of birth pains , the thunder of Zeus flying upon her , his mother cast from her womb , leaving life by the stroke of a thunderbolt . Immediately Zeus , Kronos’ son , received him in a chamber fit for birth , and having covered him in his thigh shut him up with golden clasps , hidden from Hera . And he brought forth , when the Fates had perfected him , the bull-horned god , and he crowned him with crowns of snakes , for which reason Maenads cloak their wild prey over their locks . O Thebes , nurse of Semele , crown yourself with ivy , flourish , flourish with the verdant yew bearing sweet fruit , and crown yourself in honor of Bacchus with branches of oak or pine . Adorn your garments of spotted fawn-skin with fleeces of white sheep , and sport in holy games with insolent thyrsoi . At once all the earth will dance whoever leads the sacred band is Bromius to the mountain , to the mountain , where the crowd of women waits , goaded away from their weaving by Dionysus . O secret chamber of the Kouretes and you holy Cretan caves , parents to Zeus , where the Korybantes with triple helmet invented for me in their caves this circle , covered with stretched hide ; and in their excited revelry they mingled it with the sweet-voiced breath of Phrygian pipes and handed it over to mother Rhea , resounding with the sweet songs of the Bacchae ; nearby , raving Satyrs were fulfilling the rites of the mother goddess , and they joined it to the dances of the biennial festivals , in which Dionysus rejoices . He is sweet in the mountains , whenever after the running dance he falls on the ground , wearing the sacred garment of fawn skin , hunting the blood of the slain goat , a raw-eaten delight , rushing to the Phrygian , the Lydian mountains , and the leader of the dance is Bromius , evoe ! The plain flows with milk , it flows with wine , it flows with the nectar of bees . The Bacchic one , raising the flaming torch of pine on his thyrsos , like the smoke of Syrian incense , darts about , arousing the wanderers with his racing and dancing , agitating them with his shouts , casting his rich locks into the air . And among the Maenad cries his voice rings deep : Go , Bacchae , go , Bacchae , with the luxury of Tmolus that flows with gold , sing of Dionysus , beneath the heavy beat of drums , celebrating in delight the god of delight with Phrygian shouts and cries , when the sweet-sounding sacred pipe sounds a sacred playful tune suited to the wanderers , to the mountain , to the mountain ! And the Bacchante , rejoicing like a foal with its grazing mother , rouses her swift foot in a gamboling dance .

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