Apuleius Metamorphoses 5.28

Alex Forbes /
  • Created on 2021-11-17 01:28:20
  • Modified on 2021-11-17 17:49:13
  • Translated by E.J. Kenney vs A.S. Kline (Right)
  • Aligned by Alex Forbes
Meanwhile , as Psyche was scouring the earth , bent on her search for Cupid , he lay groaning with the pain of the burn in his mother’s chamber . At this point a tern , that pure white bird which skims over the sea-waves in its flight , plunged down swiftly to the very bottom of the sea .
Interim , dum Psyche quaestioni Cupidinis intenta populos circumibat , ille vulnere lucernae dolens in ipso thalamo matris iacens ingemebat . Tunc avis peralba illa gavia , quae super fluctus marinos pinnis natat , demergit sese propere ad Oceani profundum gremium .
Psyche wandered through the land , seeking Cupid , while he lay in his mother’s chamber groaning with pain from his scorched shoulder . Meanwhile a snow-white bird , the seagull that skims the surface of the sea , dived swiftly beneath the ocean waves .

( 7 ) 12% ENG
( 53 ) 88% ENG - LAT

( 34 ) 81% ENG - LAT
( 8 ) 19% LAT

( 34 ) 81% ENG - LAT
( 8 ) 19% LAT