Epics final proj

Nick Bartlett /

[ 1 ] Era [ vi ] un uomo in quel tempo [ 2 ] della campagna [ abitata ] dai cavalieri armati di lancia ( i deserti d’Arabia abitati da gente bellicosa ) , [ 3 ] re insieme di gran valore e insieme uomo onesto , [ 4 ] [ pieno ] di sospiri per timore del Reggitor del mondo ( Iddio ) . [ 5 ] Il nome di [ quel ] valoroso era Mirdâs , [ 6 ] ed [ egli ] per giustizia e per liberalità era [ uomo di ] supremo grado . [ 7 ] A lui di quadrupedi ( sing . ) da mungere [ 8 ] venivano a [ quel ] luogo ( si radunavano alla sua casa ) le migliaia ( sing . ) di ogni [ specie , porchè egli , quell’ uomo ] [ 9-10 ] di pura religione , aveva consegnato ai mungitori ( da mungere e da custodire ) capre e cammelli e pecore parimente [ 11 ] e insieme vacche lattanti ai servi ( sing . v . il < title > Vocab . < /title > ) [ suoi ] [ 12 ] e insieme arabi cavalli leggiadramente correnti .

[ 1 ] There was [ there was ] a man at that time [ 2 ] of the country [ inhabited ] by horsemen armed with spears ( the deserts of Arabia inhabited by warlike people ) , [ 3 ] a king at once of great valor and at the same time an honest man , [ 4 ] [ full ] of sighs for fear of the Reggitor of the world ( God ) . [ 5 ] The name of [ that ] valiant man was Mirdâs , [ 6 ] and [ he ] for justice and for liberality was [ a man of ] supreme rank . [ 7 ] To him of quadrupeds ( sing . ) to be milked [ 8 ] came to [ that ] place ( gathered to his house ) the thousands ( sing . ) of every [ species , because he , that man ] [ 9-10 ] of pure religion , had delivered to the milkers ( to be milked and guarded ) goats and camels and sheep likewise [ 11 ] and together suckling cows to the servants ( sing . see the < title > Vocab . < /title > ) [ his ] [ 12 ] and together Arabian horses gracefully running .

[ 1 ] He was [ there ] a man at that time [ 2 ] of the countryside [ inhabited ] by knights armed with spears ( the deserts of Arabia inhabited by warlike people ) , [ 3 ] a king both of great valor and an honest man at the same time , [ 4 ] [ full ] of sighs for fear of the Ruler of the world ( God ) . [ 5 ] The name of [ that ] valiant was Mirdâs , [ 6 ] and [ he ] in righteousness and liberality was [ a man of ] the highest rank . [ 7 ] To him of quadrupeds ( sing . ) To be milked [ 8 ] came to [ that ] place ( gathered at his house ) the thousands ( sing . ) Of every [ species , because he , that man ] [ 9- 10 ] of pure religion , he had given to the milkers ( to be milked and to guard ) goats and camels and sheep alike [ 11 ] and at the same time suckling cows to the servants ( sing . V . The < title > Vocab . < /title > ) [ his ] [ 12 ] and along with Arab running fairy horses .

( 206 ) 100% ITA
( 0 ) 0% ITA - ENG

( 5 ) 2% ITA - ENG
( 216 ) 98% ENG

( 5 ) 2% ITA - ENG
( 216 ) 98% ENG