Vitor Hugo Pedroso


Herodotus, The Histories, book 1, chapter 30

Vitor Hugo Pedroso /
  • Created on 2017-12-11 14:14:42
  • Translated by Vitor Hugo Pedroso
  • Aligned by Vitor Hugo Pedroso
αὐτῶν δὴ ὦν τούτων καὶ τῆς θεωρίης ἐκδημήσας Σόλων εἵνεκεν ἐς Αἴγυπτον ἀπίκετο παρὰ Ἄμασιν καὶ δὴ καὶ ἐς Σάρδις παρὰ Κροῖσον . ἀπικόμενος δὲ ἐξεινίζετο ἐν τοῖσι βασιληίοισι ὑπὸ τοῦ Κροίσου : μετὰ δὲ ἡμέρῃ τρίτῃ τετάρτῃ κελεύσαντος Κροίσου τὸν Σόλωνα θεράποντες περιῆγον κατὰ τοὺς θησαυρούς , καὶ ἐπεδείκνυσαν πάντα ἐόντα μεγάλα τε καὶ ὄλβια . θεησάμενον δέ μιν τὰ πάντα καὶ σκεψάμενον ὥς οἱ κατὰ καιρὸν ἦν , εἴρετο Κροῖσος τάδε . ‘ξεῖνε Ἀθηναῖε , παρ᾽ ἡμέας γὰρ περὶ σέο λόγος ἀπῖκται πολλὸς καὶ σοφίης εἵνεκεν 1 τῆς σῆς καὶ πλάνης , ὡς φιλοσοφέων γῆν πολλὴν θεωρίης εἵνεκεν ἐπελήλυθας : νῦν ὦν ἐπειρέσθαι με ἵμερος ἐπῆλθέ σε εἴ τινα ἤδη πάντων εἶδες ὀλβιώτατον . μὲν ἐλπίζων εἶναι ἀνθρώπων ὀλβιώτατος ταῦτα ἐπειρώτα : Σόλων δὲ οὐδὲν ὑποθωπεύσας ἀλλὰ τῷ ἐόντι χρησάμενος λέγει ‘ὦ βασιλεῦ , Τέλλον Ἀθηναῖον . ἀποθωμάσας δὲ Κροῖσος τὸ λεχθὲν εἴρετο ἐπιστρεφέως : ‘κοίῃ δὴ κρίνεις Τέλλον εἶναι ὀλβιώτατον ; δὲ εἶπε ‘Τέλλῳ τοῦτο μὲν τῆς πόλιος εὖ ἡκούσης παῖδες ἦσαν καλοί τε κἀγαθοί , καί σφι εἶδε ἅπασι τέκνα ἐκγενόμενα καὶ πάντα παραμείναντα : τοῦτο δὲ τοῦ βίου εὖ ἥκοντι , ὡς τὰ παρ᾽ ἡμῖν , τελευτὴ τοῦ βίου λαμπροτάτη ἐπεγένετο : γενομένης γὰρ Ἀθηναίοισι μάχης πρὸς τοὺς ἀστυγείτονας ἐν Ἐλευσῖνι , βοηθήσας καὶ τροπὴν ποιήσας τῶν πολεμίων ἀπέθανε κάλλιστα , καί μιν Ἀθηναῖοι δημοσίῃ τε ἔθαψαν αὐτοῦ τῇ περ ἔπεσε καὶ ἐτίμησαν μεγάλως .
Pois . por esses motivos e para ver terras , Sólon saiu do seu país e viajou ao Egito para visitar Amásis e também a Sardis visitar Creso . Tendo chegado , foi recebido por Creso em seu palácio . Depois , no terceiro ou quarto dia , ao comando de Creso , os criados levaram Sólon para ver os tesouros demonstrando como tudo era grandioso e luxuoso . E após Sólon ter visto e analisado tudo , quando encontrou o momento oportuno , Creso a ele perguntou : " Hóspede ateniense , de fato , a mim chegaram muitos relatos a teu respeito , por conta de suas viagens e seu conhecimento , assim como por teu amor a sabedoria e por conhecer muitas terras , dada a tua curiosidade . Agora veio a mim o desejo de te perguntar se viste o homem mais afortunado de todos " . Perguntou isso esperando ser ele o homem mais afortunado . Mas Sólon , sem bajular ninguém e sendo sincero respondeu : " O ateniense Télon , ó Rei . " Surpreso com a resposta , Creso perguntou , com interesse : " Por que julgas Télon ser o mais afortunado ? " Sólon disse : " Sendo de uma cidade rica , por um lado , teve filhos belos e bons e viu que estes tiveram seus filhos e todos chegaram a maioridade e , por outro , sua vida sendo próspera , na medida de nossas possibilidades , o final da sua vida foi brilhante . Ocorrendo a batalha dos atenienses contra os nativos de Elêusis , correu em auxílio e provocou a fuga dos inimigos e morreu de forma gloriosa . Os atenienses o enterraram com exéquias públicas onde ele tombou e tributaram a ele grandes honras . "
So for that reason , and to see the world , Solon went to visit Amasis in Egypt and then to Croesus in Sardis . When he got there , Croesus entertained him in the palace , and on the third or fourth day Croesus told his attendants to show Solon around his treasures , and they pointed out all those things that were great and blest . After Solon had seen everything and had thought about it , Croesus found the opportunity to say , " My Athenian guest , we have heard a lot about you because of your wisdom and of your wanderings , how as one who loves learning you have traveled much of the world for the sake of seeing it , so now I desire to ask you who is the most fortunate man you have seen . " Croesus asked this question believing that he was the most fortunate of men , but Solon , offering no flattery but keeping to the truth , said , " O King , it is Tellus the Athenian . " Croesus was amazed at what he had said and replied sharply , " In what way do you judge Tellus to be the most fortunate ? " Solon said , " Tellus was from a prosperous city , and his children were good and noble . He saw children born to them all , and all of these survived . His life was prosperous by our standards , and his death was most glorious : when the Athenians were fighting their neighbors in Eleusis , he came to help , routed the enemy , and died very finely . The Athenians buried him at public expense on the spot where he fell and gave him much honor "

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Sobre a virtude - teste

Vitor Hugo Pedroso /
  • Created on 2017-12-11 16:42:28
  • Translated by Edvanda Bonavina da Rosa e Vitor Hugo Pedroso
  • Aligned by Vitor Hugo Pedroso
δύο ἀδελφαὶ ἐκ τῆς κώμης εἰς τῆν ὕλην ἔβαινον καὶ ἐν τῇ ὕλῃ , ἐγγὺς τῆς κρήνης , κόρην εὑρίσκουσι καὶ λέγουσι · " τίς εἶ; " δέ · " ἀρετή . " - " ἀλλὰ διά τι μένεις ἐν τῇ ἐρημίᾳ; " - " οὐδεὶς ἔτι τὴν ἀρετὴν θεραπεύει · διό φεύγω τὴν κώμην καὶ μένω ἐν τῇ ὕλῃ . "
Duas irmãs estavam indo da aldeia para a floresta . Na floresta , perto da fonte , encontram uma moça e dizem : " Quem é você ? " Então ela diz : " A virtude . " - " Mas por que você fica na solidão ? " - " Ninguém mais cultiva a virtude ; por isso evito a aldeia e fico na floresta "
Two sisters was going from the village to the forest . In the forest , close to a fountain , they find a girl and they say : " Who are you ? " So she says : " I ' m the Goodness " " But why do you stay in the loneliness ? " " Nobody else improves the Goodness , so I avoid the village and I stay in the forest . "

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