Georgia E Martin

Furman University

Apuleius, Metamorphosis 1.1

Georgia E Martin /
  • Created on 2018-09-07 18:05:08
  • Modified on 2018-12-15 17:55:47
  • Translated by A. S. Kline
  • Aligned by Georgia E Martin

( 48 ) 34% LAT
( 92 ) 66% LAT - ENG

( 128 ) 61% LAT - ENG
( 82 ) 39% ENG

Metamorphoses 4.28

Georgia E Martin /
  • Created on 2018-09-24 17:51:57
  • Modified on 2018-09-26 20:25:00
  • Translated by A. S. Kline
  • Aligned by Georgia E Martin
Ancient Egyptian
Ancient Egyptian

( 88 ) 59% EGY
( 60 ) 41% EGY - EGY

( 61 ) 29% EGY - EGY
( 148 ) 71% EGY

Metamorphoses 4.29

Georgia E Martin /
  • Created on 2018-10-03 17:35:00
  • Modified on 2018-10-05 21:36:31
  • Aligned by Georgia E Martin

( 128 ) 93% LAT
( 9 ) 7% LAT - ENG

( 13 ) 5% LAT - ENG
( 240 ) 95% ENG

Metamorphoses 4.29-4.30

Georgia E Martin /
  • Created on 2018-10-10 17:33:25
  • Modified on 2018-10-11 15:50:05
  • Aligned by Georgia E Martin
Sic immensum procedit in dies opinio , sic insulas iam proxumas et terrae plusculum provinciasque plurimas fama porrecta pervagatur : iam multi mortalium longis itineribus atque altissimis maris meatibus ad saeculi specimen gloriosum confluebant : Paphon nemo , Cnidon nemo ac ne ipsa quidem Cythera ad conspectum deae Veneris navigabant . Sacra differuntur , templa deformantur , pulvinaria proteruntur , caerimoniae negleguntur ; incoronata simulacra et arae viduae frigido cinere foedatae . Puellae supplicatur , et in humanis vultibus deae tantae numina placantur , et in matutino progressu virginis victimis et epulis Veneris absentis nomen propitiatur , iamque per plateas commeantem populi frequentes floribus sertis et solutis apprecantur . Haec honorum caelestium ad puellae mortalis : cultum immodica translatio verae Veneris vehementer incendit animos , et impatiens indignationis capite quassanti fremens altius , sic secum disserit :
' En rerum naturae prisca parens , en elementorum origo initialis , en orbis totius alma Venus , quae cum mortali puella partiario maiestatis honore tractor et nomen meum caelo conditum terrenis sordibus profanatur ! Nimirum communi numinis piamento vicariae venerationis incertum sustinebo , et imaginem meam circumferet puella moritura . Frustra me pastor ille , cuius iustitiam fidemque magnus comprobavit Iupiter , ob eximiam speciem tantis praetulit deabus . Sed non adeo gaudens ista , quaecumque est , meos honores usurpaverit : iam faxo eam huius etiam ipsius illicitae formositatis paeniteat ' . Et vocat confestim puerum suum pinnatum illum et satis temerarium , qui malis suis moribus contempta disciplina publica , flammis et sagittis armatus per alienas domos nocte discurrens et omnium matrimonia corrumpens impune committit tanta flagitia , et nihil prorsus boni facit .
So daily more and more increased this opinion , and now was her flying fame dispersed into the next islands and well nigh into every part and province of the whole world . Whereupon innumerable strangers resorted from far countries , adventuring themselves by long journeys on land and by great travels on water , to behold this wonder of the age . By occasion whereof such a contempt grew towards the goddess Venus , that no person travelled unto the town Paphos nor unto Cnidos , no nor to the isle Cythera to worship her . Her liturgies were left out , her temples defaced , her couches contemned , her ceremonies neglected , and her bare altars unswept and foul with the ashes of old burnt sacrifice . For why , every person honoured and worshipped this maiden instead of Venus , calling upon the divinity of that great goddess in a human form , and in the morning at her first coming abroad , offered unto her oblations , provided banquets , called her by the name of Venus which was not Venus indeed , and in her honour , as she walked in the streets , presented flowers and garlands in most reverent fashion . This sudden change and alteration of celestial honour unto the worship of a mortal maiden did greatly inflame and kindle the mind of very Venus , who ( unable to temper her head in raging sort ) reasoned with herself in this manner :
' Behold I , the original of nature , the first beginning of all the elements , behold I , the Lady Venus of all the world , am now joined with a mortal maiden as a partaker of my honour ; my name , registered in the city of heaven , is profaned and made vile by terrene absurdities . If I shall suffer any mortal creature to present my majesty in earth , and must be content with sharing the godhead and receiving worship through other , or that any girl that one day is to die shall bear about a false surmised shape of my person , then in vain did Paris that shepherd ( in whose just judgement and confidence the great Jupiter had affiance ) prefer me above the other great goddesses for the excellency of my beauty : but she , whatsoever she be , shall not for nought have usurped mine honour , but she shall shortly repent her of her unlawful loveliness ' . Then by and by she called her winged son Cupid , rash enough and hardy , who by his evil manners , contemning all public justice and law , armed with fire and arrows , running up and down in the nights from house to house , and corrupting the lawful marriages of every person , doth nothing ( and yet he is not punished ) but that which is evil .

( 243 ) 89% LAT
( 31 ) 11% LAT - ENG

( 54 ) 11% LAT - ENG
( 443 ) 89% ENG

Apuleius, Book X

Georgia E Martin /
  • Created on 2018-10-14 19:16:04
  • Modified on 2018-10-14 23:38:40
  • Aligned by Georgia E Martin
Ancient Egyptian
Ancient Egyptian
Ancient Egyptian
DIE sequenti meus quidem dominus hortulanus quid egerit nescio , me tamen miles ille , qui propter eximiam impotentiam pulcherrime vapularat , ab illo praesepio nullo equidem contradicente deductum abducit atque a suo contubernio ( hoc enim mihi videbatur ) sarcinis propriis onustum et prorsum exornatum armatumque militariter producit ad viam . Nam et galeam gerebam nitore praemicantem et scutum longius relucens sed etiam lanceam longissimo hastili conspicuam , quae scilicet non disciplinae tunc quidem causa sed propter terrendos miseros viatores in summo atque edito sarcinarum cumulo ad instar exercitus sedulo composuerat . Confecta campestri nec adeo difficili via ad quandam civitatulam pervenimus , nec in stabulo sed in domo cuiusdam decurionis devertimus , statimque me commendato cuidam servulo ipse ad praepositum suum , qui mille armatorum ducatum sustinebat , sollicite proficiscitur .
Post dies plusculos ibidem dissignatum scelestum ac nefarium facinus memini , sed ut vos etiam legatis , ad librum profero . Dominus aedium habebat iuvenem filium probe litteratum atque ob id consequenter pietate , modestia praecipuum , quem tibi quoque provenisse cuperes vel talem . Huius matre multo ante defuncta , rursum matrimonium sibi reparat verat , ductaque alia filium procreaverat alium , qui adaequeiam duodecimum annum aetatis super cesserat . Sed noverca forma magis quam moribus in domo mariti praepollens , seu naturaliter impudica seu fato ad exi tremum impulsa flagitium , oculos ad privignum adiecit : iam ergo , lector optime , scito te tragoediam , non fabulam legere , et a socco ad cothurnum ascendere Sed mulier illa quamdiu primis elementis Cupido parvulus nutriebatur , imbecillis adhuc eius viribus facile ruborem tenuem deprimens silentio resistebat : at ubi , completis igne vesano totis praecordiis , immodice bacchatus Amor exaestuabat , saevienti deo iam succubuit , et languore simulato vulnus animi mentitur in corporis valetudine . Iam cetera salutis vultusque detrimenta et aegris ei amantibus examussim convenire nemo qui nesciat : pallor deformis , marcentes oculi , lassa genua , quies turbida et suspiritus cruciatus tarditate vehementior : crederes et illam fluctuare tantum vaporibus febrium , nisi quod et flebat . Heu medicorum ignarae mentes ! Quid venae pulsus , quid caloris intemperantia , quia fatigatus anhelitus et utrimquesecus iactatae crebriter laterum mutuae vicissitudines ? Dii boni ! Quam facilis licet non artifici medico , cuivis tamen doctu Veneriae cupidinis comprehensio , cum videas aliquem .

Ergo igitur impatientia furoris altius agitatadiutinum rupit silentium et ad se vocari praecipitfilium :  quod nomen in eo ,  si posset ,  ne ruborisadmoneretur ,  libente eraderet .  Nec adulescensaegrae parentis moratus imperium ,  senili tristitiestriatam gerens frontem cubiculum petit ,  uxoripatris matrique fratris utcumque debitum sistensobsequium .  Sed illa cruciabili silentio diutissimefatigata ,  et ut in quodam vado dubitationis haerens , omne verbum quod praesenti sermoni putabataptissimum rursum improbans mi tante etiam nuncpudore ,  unde potissimum caperet exordiumdecunctatur .  At iuvenis nihil etiam tunc sequiussuspicatus ,  summisso vultu rogat ultro praesentescausas aegritudinis .  Tunc illa nancta solii tudinisdamnosam occasionem ,  prorumpit in audaciam ,  etubertim allacrimans laciniaque contegens faciemvoce trepida sic eum breviter affatur :  Causa omnis etorigo praesentis doloris et etiam medela ipsa et salusunica mihi tute ipse es :  isti enim tui oculi per meosoculos ad intima delapsi praecordia meis medullisacerrimum commovent incendium .  Ergo misereretua causa pereuntis nec te religio patris omninodeterreat ,  cui morituram prorsus servabis uxorem : illius enim recognoscens imaginem in tua ;  faciemerito te diligo .  Habes solitudinis plenam
What became of my gardener the following day I have no idea , but as for me , the soldier who had won such a lovely beating for his wondrously vile temper took me from the stable without anyone opposing him , and led me away . He piled me high with the luggage from what were his barracks I assume , and set me off up the road , festooned all over and kitted out in military fashion . I carried a brightly gleaming helmet , a shield which shone brighter still , and a spear with a great long shaft , all heaped on the top of his pile of baggage , like a miniature army on its travels , and not on account of regimental orders but to frighten poor travellers . At the end of a flat and easy journey , we arrived at a small town , where we lodged not at the inn but at the home of a councillor . Here the centurion gave me into the keeping of a slave , and set off straight away to report to his colonel , who had command of over a thousand men . A few days later a wicked and dreadful crime was committed in the town , which I’ll set down here so you can learn of it too .
The owner of my lodging had a young well-educated son , who was in consequence all obedience and good behaviour , the kind of son you would wish for your own . The boy’s mother had died years before . The father remarried , and had a twelve-year old boy by his second wife . The stepmother held sway , noted more for her beauty than character , and either through an innate disregard for her chastity or driven by fate to commit a wholly wicked crime she turned her eyes longingly on her stepson .
So , dear reader , now you know , this is no trivial tale but a tragedy , and you’ve risen from comic slippers to platform shoes .
As long as cupid remained an infant , nourished on simple fare , the stepmother hid her guilty blushes , and silently staved off the love-god’s weak assaults , but her heart slowly filling with raging flames , hot frenzied love at last blazed in her wildly , and she yielded to the savage god . Feigning illness , she tried to pretend her wounded heart was really bodily illness . Now , as we know , the usual effects on one’s appearance are exactly the same in the love-sick and those sick for other reasons : namely abnormal pallor , languid eyes , weak knees , restless sleep , and sighs which are more intense the more protracted the torment . You’d have thought in her case too a high temperature caused her fever , except that she was also full of tears . Alas the ignorance of medical minds , unable to diagnose from those throbbing veins , that variable complexion , the laboured breathing , the tossing from side to side ! Yet , dear gods , any intelligent person , even one who’s not a specialist , knows the symptoms of desire , on seeing someone burning without a physical cause .
So there you have it . Her insupportable insanity was shaking her to the core , and at long last she broke her silence and ordered her stepson to be summoned before her—she would have loved to expunge the " son " part , that shameful reminder , from any reference to him . The young man lost no time in complying with his sick parent’s command . His forehead was grooved with a sadness far beyond his years as he headed for the bedroom to attend dutifully to his father’s wife and brother’s mother . But the wife’s silence had plagued her so excruciatingly and so mercilessly that now her boat was stuck in the shallows of doubt , so to speak . She ended up rejecting every word she had at first thought perfect for the matter at hand . Her honor was going to come crashing down at any moment , but here she still was , at a dead loss for the right preamble . But even at this moment , the youth didn’t suspect any sort of shady business . His expression was demure as he began the conversation by asking , with a deferential expression on his face , about her present indisposition . She now seized the baneful opportunity offered by this private conference and let go of any vestige of self-control . Weeping abundantly and covering her face in her garment , she addressed him a few words in a timid voice .
" The entire cause , the sole source of my present agony , and at the same time the one lifesaving remedy , is yourself and no other . A glance from your eyes has slipped into my eyes , sunk down into my heart’s inmost recesses , and set off a conflagration that rages through my marrow . Have pity , then , on someone who is perishing because of you . Don’t let reverent regard for your father deter you , for you’ll do nothing short of saving his dying wife . You can understand my affection for you , as , for me , your face is like a picture of him . And right now you have the complete reassurance that comes from being alone with me—as well as enough time to do what needs doing . When nobody knows about something , it’s practically not happening . "
What became of my master the gardener the next day , I have no idea . As for me , the soldier who’d gotten such a magnificent ass-kicking for his distinguished arrogance took me out of the stable and led me away , as no one told him he couldn’t . He brought luggage that belonged to him out of his own quarters ( I assumed ) , loaded it on me , and started me down the road in full martial regalia and equipment . For I bore a helmet that glittered forth in its splendor , a shield that shot its blazing light far and wide , and even a lance with a showily long point . He had carefully arranged these things on an elevated spot atop the heaped bundles to look like features of a military baggage train—not , apparently , that he was at the time under orders requiring this ; he just wanted to terrify defenseless travelers . We completed a not terribly hard journey on level ground and came to a diminutive burg , where we stayed not at the inn but with a member of the local senate . The soldier entrusted me to a slave and set off in a worried hurry to his superior officer , " who headed up a contingent of a thousand armed men .
2 .
Not too many days later , as I recall , an unspeakably wicked crime was perpetrated in that very place , and I’ll reproduce the story here in my book and let you readers acquaint yourselves with it as well .
The householder had a young son with quite a superior education , so it naturally followed that he was extraordinary in his filial devotion and restrained behavior . You’d have wished you were his father—or , um , that you had a son like him . His mother had died long before , and his father had embarked on matrimony again . On the second wife he begat a second son , who by the time I write of had just completed his own twelfth year . Now , the stepmother was the potentate in her husband’s house , but it was due to her beauty rather than her dutifulness . At some point—whether she was inherently indisposed to chastity , or whether fate drove her to this detestable crime—she cast her eyes on her stepson .
So now , exemplary reader , take heed : this is high tragedy and not low comedy . Those clown shoes have exited the stage , and the lofty buskins loom above you .
While the god of love within this woman’s heart was still a toddler sucking on the breast and learning his ABCs , she easily resisted his still-feeble strength , silently repressing her insubstantial blushes . But later , when the crazed flame had completely filled her heart , Cupid’s passion boiled up out of control and he ran and turning from this side to that side and back again ! Good gods , what an easy diagnosis it should be , when you see someone heated up but the blaze is disembodied . You don’t have to be a learned physician , just schooled in lust by Venus .
She became more and more agitated by her unbearable ardour , until at last breaking her long silence she summoned to her side this ‘son’ whom she would gladly have called by another name to spare her sense of shame . The youth responded at once to his stepmother’s request , entering the patient’s bedroom , with as anxious a brow as some melancholy old man , but only out of courtesy to his father’s wife and brother’s mother . She , long tormented and harassed by her secret , was now however aground on a shoal of doubt . Every time she grasped at a phrase appropriate for the moment at hand , she rejected it again ; and even as her feelings of shame abated , she still hesitated as to how to begin her speech . But the youth it was who took the lead , suspecting nothing , with a respectful look asking the cause of her present illness . As they were alone she seized the moment to speak with dangerous boldness , and weeping floods of tears , hiding her face with the hem of her robe , she addressed him briefly in a quivering voice :
‘The whole root and origin of my present illness , as well as my only hope of cure and recovery , is you yourself . Those eyes of yours penetrated my eyes , and plunged to the depths of my heart , and set the fiercest flames burning in my marrow . Take pity on one who dies because of you , and don’t be concerned by your respect for your father , for his wife is at death’s door and you can save her for him . I am right to love you since I see his likeness in your face . And have no fear , we are alone , and there is time enough for what is needed . What none know of has scarcely happened .

( 231 ) 52% EGY
( 210 ) 48% EGY - EGY

( 230 ) 24% EGY - EGY
( 734 ) 76% EGY

( 230 ) 24% EGY - EGY
( 734 ) 76% EGY

Apuleius, Book X; paragraph 3

Georgia E Martin /
  • Created on 2018-10-15 01:17:19
  • Modified on 2018-10-15 01:50:14
  • Aligned by Georgia E Martin
Ergo igitur impatientia furoris altius agitata diutinum rupit silentium et ad se vocari praecipit filium : quod nomen in eo , si posset , ne ruboris admoneretur , libente eraderet . Nec adulescens aegrae parentis moratus imperium , senili tristitie striatam gerens frontem cubiculum petit , uxori patris matrique fratris utcumque debitum sistens obsequium . Sed illa cruciabili silentio diutissime fatigata , et ut in quodam vado dubitationis haerens , omne verbum quod praesenti sermoni putabat aptissimum rursum improbans mi tante etiam nunc pudore , unde potissimum caperet exordium decunctatur . At iuvenis nihil etiam tunc sequius suspicatus , summisso vultu rogat ultro praesentes causas aegritudinis . Tunc illa nancta solii tudinis damnosam occasionem , prorumpit in audaciam , et ubertim allacrimans laciniaque contegens faciem voce trepida sic eum breviter affatur : Causa omnis et origo praesentis doloris et etiam medela ipsa et salus unica mihi tute ipse es : isti enim tui oculi per meos oculos ad intima delapsi praecordia meis medullis acerrimum commovent incendium . Ergo miserere tua causa pereuntis nec te religio patris omnino deterreat , cui morituram prorsus servabis uxorem : illius enim recognoscens imaginem in tua ; facie merito te diligo . Habes solitudinis plenam

She became more and more agitated by her unbearable ardour , until at last breaking her long silence she summoned to her side this ‘son’ whom she would gladly have called by another name to spare her sense of shame . The youth responded at once to his stepmother’s request , entering the patient’s bedroom , with as anxious a brow as some melancholy old man , but only out of courtesy to his father’s wife and brother’s mother . She , long tormented and harassed by her secret , was now however aground on a shoal of doubt . Every time she grasped at a phrase appropriate for the moment at hand , she rejected it again ; and even as her feelings of shame abated , she still hesitated as to how to begin her speech . But the youth it was who took the lead , suspecting nothing , with a respectful look asking the cause of her present illness . As they were alone she seized the moment to speak with dangerous boldness , and weeping floods of tears , hiding her face with the hem of her robe , she addressed him briefly in a quivering voice :
‘The whole root and origin of my present illness , as well as my only hope of cure and recovery , is you yourself . Those eyes of yours penetrated my eyes , and plunged to the depths of my heart , and set the fiercest flames burning in my marrow . Take pity on one who dies because of you , and don’t be concerned by your respect for your father , for his wife is at death’s door and you can save her for him . I am right to love you since I see his likeness in your face . And have no fear , we are alone , and there is time enough for what is needed . What none know of has scarcely happened .
So there you have it . Her insupportable insanity was shaking her to the core , and at long last she broke her silence and ordered her stepson to be summoned before her—she would have loved to expunge the " son " part , that shameful reminder , from any reference to him . The young man lost no time in complying with his sick parent’s command . His forehead was grooved with a sadness far beyond his years as he headed for the bedroom to attend dutifully to his father’s wife and brother’s mother . But the wife’s silence had plagued her so excruciatingly and so mercilessly that now her boat was stuck in the shallows of doubt , so to speak . She ended up rejecting every word she had at first thought perfect for the matter at hand . Her honor was going to come crashing down at any moment , but here she still was , at a dead loss for the right preamble . But even at this moment , the youth didn’t suspect any sort of shady business . His expression was demure as he began the conversation by asking , with a deferential expression on his face , about her present indisposition . She now seized the baneful opportunity offered by this private conference and let go of any vestige of self-control . Weeping abundantly and covering her face in her garment , she addressed him a few words in a timid voice .
" The entire cause , the sole source of my present agony , and at the same time the one lifesaving remedy , is yourself and no other . A glance from your eyes has slipped into my eyes , sunk down into my heart’s inmost recesses , and set off a conflagration that rages through my marrow . Have pity , then , on someone who is perishing because of you . Don’t let reverent regard for your father deter you , for you’ll do nothing short of saving his dying wife . You can understand my affection for you , as , for me , your face is like a picture of him . And right now you have the complete reassurance that comes from being alone with me—as well as enough time to do what needs doing . When nobody knows about something , it’s practically not happening . "

( 87 ) 44% LAT
( 113 ) 56% LAT - ENG

( 132 ) 40% LAT - ENG
( 202 ) 60% ENG

( 132 ) 40% LAT - ENG
( 202 ) 60% ENG

Apuleius 4.32

Georgia E Martin /
  • Created on 2018-10-29 22:51:07
  • Modified on 2018-11-12 18:02:20
  • Aligned by Georgia E Martin

( 88 ) 59% LAT
( 61 ) 41% LAT - ENG

( 74 ) 40% LAT - ENG
( 113 ) 60% ENG

Apuleius 4.33

Georgia E Martin /
  • Created on 2018-11-12 18:04:38
  • Modified on 2018-11-16 17:58:06
  • Aligned by Georgia E Martin

( 132 ) 61% ENG
( 85 ) 39% ENG - LAT

( 63 ) 41% ENG - LAT
( 89 ) 59% LAT

Project 2: Apuleius 8.13?

Georgia E Martin /
  • Created on 2018-11-14 01:33:56
  • Modified on 2018-11-14 15:40:19
  • Aligned by Georgia E Martin
Ad hunc modum vaticinata mulier acu crinali [ p . 366 ] capite deprompta Thrasylli convulnerat tota lumina eumque prorsus exoculatum relinquens , dum dolore i nescio crapulam cum somno discutit , arrepto nudo I gladio quo se Tlepolemus solebat incingere , per mediam civitatem cursu furioso proripit se , procul dubio nescioquod scelus gestiens et recta monimentum mariti contendit . At nos et omnis populus nudatis totis aedibus studiose consequimur , hortati mutuo ferrum vesanis extorquere manibus . Sed Charite capulum Tlepolemi propter assistens gladioque fulgenti singulos abigens , ubi fletus uberes et lamentationes varias cunctorum intuetur , ‘Abicite’ inquit , ‘Importunas lacrimas , abicite luctum meis virtutibus alienum . Vindicavi in mei mariti cruentum peremptorem , punita sum funestum mearum nuptiarum praedonem . Iam tempus est ut isto gladio deorsus .

ad meum Tlepolemum viam quaeram . Et enarratis ordine singulis quae sibi per somnium nuntiaverat maritus quoque astu Thrasyllum inductum petisset , ferro sub papillam dexteram transadacto corruit et in suo sibi pervolutata sanguine postremo balbutiens incerto sermone proflavit animam virilem . Tunc propere familiares miserae Charites accuratissime corpus ablutum unita sepultura ibidem marito perpetuam coniugem reddidere . Thrasyllus vero cognitis omnibus , nequiens idoneum exitum praesenti cladi [ p . 368 ] reddere certusque tanto facinori nec gladium sufficere , sponte delatus ibidem ad sepulchrum , ‘Ultronea vobis , infesti Manes , en adest victima’ saepe clamitans , valvis super sese diligenter obseratis inedia statuit elidere sua sententia damnatum spiritum .

( 177 ) 72% LAT
( 70 ) 28% LAT - ENG

( 98 ) 37% LAT - ENG
( 167 ) 63% ENG

Apuleius 4.35

Georgia E Martin /
  • Created on 2018-11-30 18:01:08
  • Modified on 2018-12-07 18:09:13
  • Aligned by Georgia E Martin

( 75 ) 66% LAT
( 39 ) 34% LAT - ENG

( 50 ) 29% LAT - ENG
( 124 ) 71% ENG