Odyssey Book 7.133-166

  • Created on 2019-04-08 08:12:29
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ἔνθα στὰς θηεῖτο πολύτλας δῖος Ὀδυσσεύς .
αὐτὰρ ἐπεὶ δὴ πάντα ἑῷ θηήσατο θυμῷ ,
καρπαλίμως ὑπὲρ οὐδὸν ἐβήσετο δώματος εἴσω .
εὗρε δὲ Φαιήκων ἡγήτορας ἠδὲ μέδοντας
σπένδοντας δεπάεσσιν ἐυσκόπῳ ἀργεϊφόντῃ ,
πυμάτῳ σπένδεσκον , ὅτε μνησαίατο κοίτου .
αὐτὰρ βῆ διὰ δῶμα πολύτλας δῖος Ὀδυσσεὺς
πολλὴν ἠέρʼ ἔχων , ἥν οἱ περίχευεν Ἀθήνη ,
ὄφρʼ ἵκετʼ Ἀρήτην τε καὶ Ἀλκίνοον βασιλῆα .
ἀμφὶ δʼ ἄρʼ Ἀρήτης βάλε γούνασι χεῖρας Ὀδυσσεύς ,
καὶ τότε δή ῥʼ αὐτοῖο πάλιν χύτο θέσφατος ἀήρ .
οἱ δʼ ἄνεῳ ἐγένοντο , δόμον κάτα φῶτα ἰδόντες ·
θαύμαζον δʼ ὁρόωντες . δὲ λιτάνευεν Ὀδυσσεύς ·

" Ἀρήτη , θύγατερ Ῥηξήνορος ἀντιθέοιο ,
σόν τε πόσιν σά τε γούναθʼ ἱκάνω πολλὰ μογήσας
τούσδε τε δαιτυμόνας · τοῖσιν θεοὶ ὄλβια δοῖεν
ζωέμεναι , καὶ παισὶν ἐπιτρέψειεν ἕκαστος
κτήματʼ ἐνὶ μεγάροισι γέρας θʼ τι δῆμος ἔδωκεν ·
αὐτὰρ ἐμοὶ πομπὴν ὀτρύνετε πατρίδʼ ἱκέσθαι
θᾶσσον , ἐπεὶ δὴ δηθὰ φίλων ἄπο πήματα πάσχω . "
ὣς εἰπὼν κατʼ ἄρʼ ἕζετʼ ἐπʼ ἐσχάρῃ ἐν κονίῃσιν
πὰρ πυρί · οἱ δʼ ἄρα πάντες ἀκὴν ἐγένοντο σιωπῇ .
ὀψὲ δὲ δὴ μετέειπε γέρων ἥρως Ἐχένηος ,
ὃς δὴ Φαιήκων ἀνδρῶν προγενέστερος ἦεν
καὶ μύθοισι κέκαστο , παλαιά τε πολλά τε εἰδώς ·
σφιν ἐὺ φρονέων ἀγορήσατο καὶ μετέειπεν ·
" Ἀλκίνοʼ , οὐ μέν τοι τόδε κάλλιον , οὐδὲ ἔοικε ,
ξεῖνον μὲν χαμαὶ ἧσθαι ἐπʼ ἐσχάρῃ ἐν κονίῃσιν ,
οἵδε δὲ σὸν μῦθον ποτιδέγμενοι ἰσχανόωνται .
ἀλλʼ ἄγε δὴ ξεῖνον μὲν ἐπὶ θρόνου ἀργυροήλου
εἷσον ἀναστήσας , σὺ δὲ κηρύκεσσι κέλευσον
οἶνον ἐπικρῆσαι , ἵνα καὶ Διὶ τερπικεραύνῳ
σπείσομεν , ὅς θʼ ἱκέτῃσιν ἅμʼ αἰδοίοισιν ὀπηδεῖ ·
δόρπον δὲ ξείνῳ ταμίη δότω ἔνδον ἐόντων . "
Hardened , long-suffering Odysseus stood there and stared , astonished in his heart , then quickly strode across the palace threshold . He found the lordly leaders of Phaeacia pouring drink offerings for sharp-eyed Hermes , to whom they give libations before bed . Odysseus went in the house disguised in mist with which Athena covered him ,           
until he reached Arete and the king . He threw his arms around Arete’s knees , and all at once , the magic mist dispersed . They were astonished when they saw the man , and all fell silent . Then Odysseus said , " Queen Arete , child of Rhexenor , I have had many years of pain and loss . I beg you , and your husband , and these men who feast here—may the gods bless you in life , and may you leave your children wealth and honor .                
Now help me , please , to get back home , and quickly ! I miss my family . I have been gone so long it hurts . "
He sat down by the hearth among the ashes of the fire . They all were silent till Echeneus spoke up . He was an elder statesman of Phaeacia , a skillful orator and learned man . Wanting to help , he said , " Alcinous , you know it is not right to leave a stranger sitting there on the floor beside the hearth              
among the cinders . Everyone is waiting for you to give the word . Make him get up , and seat him on a silver chair , and order wine to be poured , so we may make libations to Zeus the Thunderlord , who loves the needy . The house girl ought to bring the stranger food out from the storeroom . "
Odysseus stood and gazed at all of the blessings
The gods had lavished on the house of Alcinous .
When he had taken it all in , he passed quickly
Over the threshold and entered the house .
There he found the Phaeacian nobles
Tipping their cups in honor of Hermes ,
To whom they poured libations last of all
When they thought it was time to take their rest .
Odysseus , the godlike survivor , went through the hall
In the heavy mist Athena had wrapped him in ,
Until he came to Arete and Lord Alcinous .
There he threw his arms around Arete ' s knees ,
And the magical mist melted away at that moment .
They were all hushed to silence , marveling
At the sight of Odysseus , who now made his prayer :
" Arete , daughter of godlike Rhexenor ,
To your husband and to your knees I come
In great distress , and to these banqueters also—
May the gods grant prosperity to them
In this life , and may each of them hand down
Their wealth and honor to their children after them .
Grant me but this : a speedy passage home ,
For I have suffered long , far from my people . "
And with that he sat down in the ashes
By the fireside . The hall fell silent .
Finally Echeneus , a Phaeacian elder ,
Wise in the old ways and the ways of words , Spoke out with good will among them :
" Alcinous , this will not do at all . It is not proper
That a guest sit in the ashes on the hearth .
We are all holding back , waiting on your word . Come , help the stranger up and have him sit
Upon a silver-studded chair . And bid the heralds
Mix wine , so we may pour libations also to Zeus , Lord of Thunder , who walks beside suppliants .
And let the housekeeper bring out food for our guest . "

( 115 ) 41% GRC
( 166 ) 59% GRC - ENG

( 198 ) 64% GRC - ENG
( 113 ) 36% ENG

( 198 ) 64% GRC - ENG
( 113 ) 36% ENG

Germania Book 6

  • Created on 2019-04-08 20:10:27
  • Aligned by
Nicht einmal Eisen ist vorhanden , wie sich aus der Art der Waffen folgern lässt . Selten gebrauchen sie Schwerter oder größere Lanzen : Sie führen Speere - oder nach ihrer Bezeichnung Framen mit schmalem und kurzem , aber so scharfem und zum Gebrach handlichen Eisen , dass sie mit derselben Waffe , je nachdem es die Situation fordert , entweder im Nah- oder Fernkampf kämpfen können . Ja auch der Reiter ist mit Schild und Frame zufrieden ; die Fußsoldaten werfen auch Wurfgeschosse , und zwar die einzelnen mehrere , und sie schleudern sie ins Unermessliche , nackt oder leichtbekleidet mit einem Mantel . Kein Prahlen mit der Ausstattung ; nur die Schilde verzieren sie mit erlesensten Farben . Wenige haben Panzer , kaum hat der eine oder andere eine Sturmhaube oder einen Helm . Die Pferde sind nicht durch ihre Gestalt , nicht durch ihre Schnelligkeit hervorstechend . Aber sie werden auch nicht nach unserer Art gelehrt , Kreiswendungen zu machen : sie treiben sie geradeaus oder mit einer einzigen Schwenkung nach rechts , wobei der Kreis so geschlossen ist , dass niemand der Letzte ist . Schätzt man’s ins Allgemeine , ist mehr Kraft beim Fußvolk ; und daher kämpfen sie gemischt , mit geeigneter und dem berittenen Kampf angemessener Schnelligkeit der Fußsoldaten , die sie , aus der ganzen Jugendmannschaft ausgehoben , vor die Schlachtlinie positionieren . Ihre zahl wird begrenzt : je Hundert kommen aus den einzelnen Gauen und ebendanach werden sie unter den Ihrigen genannt , und was zunächst eine Zahl war , ist nun Name und Ehre . Die Schlachtlinie wird durch Keile gebildet . Sie halten es mehr für eine kluge Berechnung als für Furcht , vom Platz zu weichen , wenn man nur wieder herandringt . Ihre Gefallenen tragen sie auch in ungünstigen Schlachten zurück . Seinen Schild zurückgelassen zu haben ist eine außerordentliche Schade und dem Schimpflichen ist es weder erlaubt , an Opfern teilzunehmen noch die Volksversammlung zu betreten ; und viele , die den Krieg überlebt haben , beenden ihre Schande durch die Schlinge .
Even iron is not plentiful with them , as we infer from the character of their weapons . But few use swords or long lances . They carry a spear ( framea is their name for it ) , with a narrow and short head , but so sharp and easy to wield that the same weapon serves , according to circumstances , for close or distant conflict . As for the horse-soldier , he is satisfied with a shield and spear ; the foot-soldiers also scatter showers of missiles , each man having several and hurling them to an immense distance , and being naked or lightly clad with a little cloak . There is no display about their equipment : their shields alone are marked with very choice colours . A few only have corslets , and just one or two here and there a metal or leathern helmet . Their horses are remarkable neither for beauty nor for fleetness . Nor are they taught various evolutions after our fashion , but are driven straight forward , or so as to make one wheel to the right in such a compact body that none is left behind another . On the whole , one would say that their chief strength is in their infantry , which fights along with the cavalry ; admirably adapted to the action of the latter is the swiftness of certain foot-soldiers , who are picked from the entire youth of their country , and stationed in front of the line . Their number is fixed , —a hundred from each canton ; and from this they take their name among their countrymen , so that what was originally a mere number has now become a title of distinction . Their line of battle is drawn up in a wedge-like formation . To give ground , provided you return to the attack , is considered prudence rather than cowardice . The bodies of their slain they carry off even in indecisive engagements . To abandon your shield is the basest of crimes ; nor may a man thus disgraced be present at the sacred rites , or enter their council ; many , indeed , after escaping from battle , have ended their infamy with the halter .
Ne ferrum quidem superest , sicut ex genere telorum colligitur . rari gladiis aut maioribus lanceis utuntur : hastas vel ipsorum vocabulo frameas gerunt angusto et brevi ferro , sed ita acri et ad usum habili , ut eodem telo , prout ratio poscit , vel comminus vel eminus pugnent . et eques quidem scuto frameaque contentus est , pedites et missilia spargunt , pluraque singuli , atque in immensum vibrant , nudi aut sagulo leves . nulla cultus iactatio : scuta tantum lectissimis coloribus distinguunt . paucis loricae , vix uni alterive cassis aut galea . equi non forma , non velocitate conspicui . sed nec variare gyros in morem nostrum docentur : in rectum aut uno flexu dextros agunt , ita coniuncto orbe ut nemo posterior sit . in universum aestimanti plus penes peditem roboris ; eoque mixti proeliantur , apta et congruente ad equestrem pugnam velocitate peditum , quos ex omni iuventute delectos ante aciem locant . definitur et numerus : centeni ex singulis pagis sunt , idque ipsum inter suos vocantur , et quod primo numerus fuit , iam nomen et honor est . acies per cuneos componitur . cedere loco , dummodo rursus instes , consilii quam formidinis arbitrantur . corpora suorum etiam in dubiis proeliis referunt . scutum reliquisse praecipuum flagitium , nec aut sacris adesse aut concilium inire ignominioso fas , multique superstites bellorum infamiam laqueo finierunt .

( 245 ) 70% DEU
( 103 ) 30% DEU - ENG

( 100 ) 26% DEU - ENG
( 284 ) 74% ENG

( 100 ) 26% DEU - ENG
( 284 ) 74% ENG

odyssey 24.519-548

  • Created on 2019-04-16 00:57:57
  • Aligned by
ὣς φάτο , καί ῥ᾽ ἔμπνευσε μένος μέγα Παλλὰς Ἀθήνη
εὐξάμενος δ᾽ ἄρ᾽ ἔπειτα Διὸς κούρῃ μεγάλοιο ,
αἶψα μάλ᾽ ἀμπεπαλὼν προΐει δολιχόσκιον ἔγχος ,
καὶ βάλεν Εὐπείθεα κόρυθος διὰ χαλκοπαρῄου .
δ᾽ οὐκ ἔγχος ἔρυτο , διαπρὸ δὲ εἴσατο χαλκός ,
δούπησεν δὲ πεσών , ἀράβησε δὲ τεύχε᾽ ἐπ᾽ αὐτῷ .
ἐν δ᾽ ἔπεσον προμάχοις Ὀδυσεὺς καὶ φαίδιμος υἱός ,
τύπτον δὲ ξίφεσίν τε καὶ ἔγχεσιν ἀμφιγύοισι .
καί νύ κε δὴ πάντας ὄλεσαν καὶ ἔθηκαν ἀνόστους ,
εἰ μὴ Ἀθηναίη , κούρη Διὸς αἰγιόχοιο ,
ἤϋσεν φωνῇ , κατὰ ἔσχεθε λαὸν ἅπαντα .

‘ἴσχεσθε πτολέμου , Ἰθακήσιοι , ἀργαλέοιο ,
ὥς κεν ἀναιμωτί γε διακρινθῆτε τάχιστα .

ὣς φάτ᾽ Ἀθηναίη , τοὺς δὲ χλωρὸν δέος εἷλεν :
τῶν δ᾽ ἄρα δεισάντων ἐκ χειρῶν ἔπτατο τεύχεα ,
πάντα δ᾽ ἐπὶ χθονὶ πῖπτε , θεᾶς ὄπα φωνησάσης :
πρὸς δὲ πόλιν τρωπῶντο λιλαιόμενοι βιότοιο .
σμερδαλέον δ᾽ ἐβόησε πολύτλας δῖος Ὀδυσσεύς ,
οἴμησεν δὲ ἀλεὶς ὥς τ᾽ αἰετὸς ὑψιπετήεις .
καὶ τότε δὴ Κρονίδης ἀφίει ψολόεντα κεραυνόν ,
κὰδ δ᾽ ἔπεσε πρόσθε γλαυκώπιδος ὀβριμοπάτρης .
δὴ τότ᾽ Ὀδυσσῆα προσέφη γλαυκῶπις Ἀθήνη :

‘διογενὲς Λαερτιάδη , πολυμήχαν᾽ Ὀδυσσεῦ ,
ἴσχεο , παῦε δὲ νεῖκος ὁμοιΐου πολέμοιο ,
μή πως τοι Κρονίδης κεχολώσεται εὐρύοπα Ζεύς .

ὣς φάτ᾽ Ἀθηναίη , δ᾽ ἐπείθετο , χαῖρε δὲ θυμῷ .
ὅρκια δ᾽ αὖ κατόπισθε μετ᾽ ἀμφοτέροισιν ἔθηκεν
Παλλὰς Ἀθηναίη , κούρη Διὸς αἰγιόχοιο ,
Μέντορι εἰδομένη ἠμὲν δέμας ἠδὲ καὶ αὐδήν .
She spoke--and gifted him the stalwart force .
He called upon the daughter of great Zeus ,
then , quick to brandish his long shaft , he cast
his lance ; he struck Eupeithes in his casque’s
bronze cheeks . That spearhead did not stop ; it pierced
straight through . He thudded down , his armor clanged .
Odysseus and his stout son fell upon
the forward ranks ; with swords and two-edged spears ,
they thrust and would have killed them all , cut off
all chance of their returning home , had not
Athena , daughter of aegis-bearing Zeus ,
cried out . She checked the crowd of warriors :

" This gruesome war has lasted long enough .
Stop now , shed no more blood , and stand apart . "

These were Athena’s words . The townsmen heard ;
and pale with fear , they lost their weapons : spears
and swords flew from their hands , dropped to the ground--
the goddess’ voice had terrifying force .
They wheeled back , toward the city , keen to live .

Then patient , bright Odysseus’ battle cry
was savage ; like an eagle from on high ,
he gathered force and swooped in fierce pursuit .
But now the son of Cronos cast a bolt
of blazing thunder , and it fell before
the daughter of the mighty lord of lords .
At that , Athena , gray-eyed goddess , warned :

" Laértes’ son , Odysseus , sprung from Zeus ,
o man of many wiles , this is too much .
Halt now ; have done with this relentless war ,
lest you provoke the wrath of Zeus , the lord
of thunder , he whose voice is carried far . "

He heard Athena’s words and , glad at heart ,
obeyed . A pact was sworn between the parts ,
a treaty for all time : Athena’s work
when she , the daughter of aegis-bearing Zeus ,
had taken on lord Mentor’s form and voice .
Power flowed through him from Pallas Athena ,
whom he invoked as Zeus’ virgin child ,
and he let fly his heavy spear .

It struck
Eupeithes on the cheekplate of his helmet ,
and undeflected the bronze head punched through .
He toppled , and his armor clanged upon him .
Odysseus and his son now furiously
closed , laying on with broadswords , hand to hand ,
and pikes ; they would have cut the enemy down
to the last man , leaving not one survivor ,
had not Athena raised a shout
that stopped the fighters in their tracks .

" Now hold ! "
She cried . " Break off this bitter skirmish ;
end your bloodshed , Ithakans , and make peace . "

Their faces paled with dread before Athena ,
and swords dropped from their hands unnerved , to lie
strewing the ground , at the great voice of the goddess .
Those from the town turned fleeing for their lives .
But with a cry to freeze their hearts
and ruffling like an eagle on the pounce ,
the Lord Odysseus reared himself to follow--
at which the son of Kronos dropped a thunderbolt
smoking at his daughter’s feet .

cast a gray glance at her friend and said :
" Son of Laertes and the gods of old ,
Odysseus , master of land and sea ways ,
command yourself . Call off this battle now ,
or Zeus who views the wide world may be angry . "

He yielded to her , and his heart was glad .
Both parties later swore to the terms of peace
set by their arbiter , Athena , daughter
of Zeus who bears the storm cloud as a shield--
though still she kept the form and voice of Mentor .

( 97 ) 40% GRC
( 144 ) 60% GRC - ENG

( 235 ) 68% GRC - ENG
( 110 ) 32% ENG

( 235 ) 68% GRC - ENG
( 110 ) 32% ENG

Odyssey 1.1-21 Fitzgerald (O'Donovan)

  • Created on 2019-05-08 21:31:14
  • Aligned by
Ἑλληνική Transliterate
ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε , μοῦσα , πολύτροπον , ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη , ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν :
πολλῶν δ᾽ ἀνθρώπων ἴδεν ἄστεα καὶ νόον ἔγνω ,
πολλὰ δ᾽ γ᾽ ἐν πόντῳ πάθεν ἄλγεα ὃν κατὰ θυμόν ,
ἀρνύμενος ἥν τε ψυχὴν καὶ νόστον ἑταίρων .
ἀλλ᾽ οὐδ᾽ ὣς ἑτάρους ἐρρύσατο , ἱέμενός περ :
αὐτῶν γὰρ σφετέρῃσιν ἀτασθαλίῃσιν ὄλοντο ,
νήπιοι , οἳ κατὰ βοῦς Ὑπερίονος Ἠελίοιο
ἤσθιον : αὐτὰρ τοῖσιν ἀφείλετο νόστιμον ἦμαρ .
τῶν ἁμόθεν γε , θεά , θύγατερ Διός , εἰπὲ καὶ ἡμῖν .
ἔνθ᾽ ἄλλοι μὲν πάντες , ὅσοι φύγον αἰπὺν ὄλεθρον ,
οἴκοι ἔσαν , πόλεμόν τε πεφευγότες ἠδὲ θάλασσαν :
τὸν δ᾽ οἶον νόστου κεχρημένον ἠδὲ γυναικὸς
νύμφη πότνι᾽ ἔρυκε Καλυψὼ δῖα θεάων
ἐν σπέσσι γλαφυροῖσι , λιλαιομένη πόσιν εἶναι .
ἀλλ᾽ ὅτε δὴ ἔτος ἦλθε περιπλομένων ἐνιαυτῶν ,
τῷ οἱ ἐπεκλώσαντο θεοὶ οἶκόνδε νέεσθαι
εἰς Ἰθάκην , οὐδ᾽ ἔνθα πεφυγμένος ἦεν ἀέθλων
καὶ μετὰ οἷσι φίλοισι . θεοὶ δ᾽ ἐλέαιρον ἅπαντες
νόσφι Ποσειδάωνος : δ᾽ ἀσπερχὲς μενέαινεν
ἀντιθέῳ Ὀδυσῆι πάρος ἣν γαῖαν ἱκέσθαι .

( 67 ) 38% GRC
( 110 ) 62% GRC - ENG

( 170 ) 58% GRC - ENG
( 121 ) 42% ENG

Odyssey 12.426-1.450

  • Created on 2019-05-14 06:01:50
  • Aligned by
ἔνθ᾽ τοι Ζέφυρος μὲν ἐπαύσατο λαίλαπι θύων ,
ἦλθε δ᾽ ἐπὶ Νότος ὦκα , φέρων ἐμῷ ἄλγεα θυμῷ ,
ὄφρ᾽ ἔτι τὴν ὀλοὴν ἀναμετρήσαιμι Χάρυβδιν .
παννύχιος φερόμην , ἅμα δ᾽ ἠελίῳ ἀνιόντι
ἦλθον ἐπὶ Σκύλλης σκόπελον δεινήν τε Χάρυβδιν .
μὲν ἀνερροίβδησε θαλάσσης ἁλμυρὸν ὕδωρ :
αὐτὰρ ἐγὼ ποτὶ μακρὸν ἐρινεὸν ὑψόσ᾽ ἀερθείς ,
τῷ προσφὺς ἐχόμην ὡς νυκτερίς . οὐδέ πῃ εἶχον
οὔτε στηρίξαι ποσὶν ἔμπεδον οὔτ᾽ ἐπιβῆναι :
ῥίζαι γὰρ ἑκὰς εἶχον , ἀπήωροι δ᾽ ἔσαν ὄζοι ,
μακροί τε μεγάλοι τε , κατεσκίαον δὲ Χάρυβδιν .
νωλεμέως δ᾽ ἐχόμην , ὄφρ᾽ ἐξεμέσειεν ὀπίσσω
ἱστὸν καὶ τρόπιν αὖτις : ἐελδομένῳ δέ μοι ἦλθον
ὄψ᾽ : ἦμος δ᾽ ἐπὶ δόρπον ἀνὴρ ἀγορῆθεν ἀνέστη
κρίνων νείκεα πολλὰ δικαζομένων αἰζηῶν ,
τῆμος δὴ τά γε δοῦρα Χαρύβδιος ἐξεφαάνθη .
ἧκα δ᾽ ἐγὼ καθύπερθε πόδας καὶ χεῖρε φέρεσθαι ,
μέσσῳ δ᾽ ἐνδούπησα παρὲξ περιμήκεα δοῦρα ,
ἑζόμενος δ᾽ ἐπὶ τοῖσι διήρεσα χερσὶν ἐμῇσι .
Σκύλλην δ᾽ οὐκέτ᾽ ἔασε πατὴρ ἀνδρῶν τε θεῶν τε
εἰσιδέειν : οὐ γάρ κεν ὑπέκφυγον αἰπὺν ὄλεθρον .
ἔνθεν δ᾽ ἐννῆμαρ φερόμην , δεκάτῃ δέ με νυκτὶ
νῆσον ἐς Ὠγυγίην πέλασαν θεοί , ἔνθα Καλυψὼ
ναίει ἐυπλόκαμος , δεινὴ θεὸς αὐδήεσσα ,
μ᾽ ἐφίλει τ᾽ ἐκόμει τε .
" Now the West Wind dropped its furious blasts , only for the
South Wind to spring swiftly up , bringing grief to my heart ,
For it made me retrace my course to murderous Charybdis .
All night through I was swept along , until the sun’s
rising I came to the rock of Scylla and terrible Charybdis .
Charybdis was at this time sucking down the sea’s salt water ,
but I swung myself upward towards the tall fig tree , and
held firmly to it , clinging like a bat ; but I could nowhere
plant my feet firmly nor climb it , because its roots were
a long way below and its branches hung far above my head ,
the enormous , long branches that overshadowed Charybdis .
Still , I hung on grimly , until she should spew up the mast and
keel again . I waited anxiously , and they reappeared , but later ,
at the hour when a man , after judging many disputes between
litigious young men , rises from the assembly to go for his supper .
So long it took for the timbers to reappear from Charybdis .
I let go with my hands and feet and fell from above with a loud
splash into the middle of the pool , missing the long timbers ; but
I climbed on to them and used my hands to paddle myself along .
As for Scylla , the father of men and gods did not this time let her
notice me ; otherwise I would not have escaped sheer destruction .

" From there I was bourne along for nine days , and in the tenth night
the gods brought me to the island of Ogygia , where Calypso of
the beautiful hair lives , an awesome goddess with a mortal voice ,
who received me kindly and cared for me .
" And after Zephyr
Had slacked his storm’s wild force , Notus at once
Brought back the fear that I had known ; for now
I’d have to cross Charybdis once again .

" All through the long night that wind did not relent .
The sun was rising when I spied the cliffs
of Scylla and the murderous Charybdis ,
who sucked in the salt waters of the sea ;
she drew my mast and keel into her deeps .
But reaching up and toward the great fig tree ,
I gripped it , clinging to it like a bat .
Yet I could find no foothold , could not climb
that tree , because its roots stretched far below ;
nor could I ever reach its long , broad boughs--
so high , they wrapped Charybdis in their shade .
I gripped the trunk ; I would not yield until
she vomited again the mast and keel .
I waited long ; at last they came . Just when
an elder who is called upon to judge
between the claims of young contenders , stands
and says the time for judgement’s at an end
and leaves the marketplace to dine , so then--
such was the hour--Charybdis spewed the mast
and keel . My hands and feet let go the trunk ;
I fell into the water with a splash
next the the keel and mast ; I mounted them ;
and , with that vantage , soon my arms began
to row . The father of both gods and men
did not let Scylla’s eye spy me again .

" For nine days I was dragged ; and on the tenth
the gods cast me upon Ogygia’s coast ,
the island home of lovely-haired Calypso ,
the awesome goddess with a human voice ,
who took me in and tended me .

( 51 ) 25% GRC
( 153 ) 75% GRC - ENG

( 267 ) 83% GRC - ENG
( 54 ) 17% ENG

( 267 ) 83% GRC - ENG
( 54 ) 17% ENG


  • Created on 2019-09-11 02:47:29
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Ἐπειδή τινες τῶν καλουμένων σοφιστῶν ἱστορίας μὲν καὶ παιδείας ἠμελήκασι καὶ τοῦ δύνασθαι λέγειν ὁμοίως τοῖς ἰδιώταις ἀπείρως ἔχουσι , γράφειν δὲ μεμελετηκότες λόγους καὶ διὰ βιβλίων δεικνύντες τὴν αὑτῶν σοφίαν σεμνύνονται καὶ μέγα φρονοῦσι καὶ πολλοστὸν μέρος τῆς ῥητορικῆς κεκτημένοι δυνάμεως τῆς ὅλης τέχνης ἀμφισβητοῦσι , διὰ ταύτην τὴν αἰτίαν ἐπιχειρήσω κατηγορίαν ποιήσασθαι τῶν γραπτῶν λόγων , οὐχ ὡς ἀλλοτρίαν ἐμαυτοῦ τὴν δύναμιν αὐτῶν ἡγούμενος , ἀλλ ὡς ἐφ ἑτέροις μεῖζον φρονῶν καὶ τὸ γράφειν ἐν παρέργῳ μελετᾶν οἰόμενος χρῆναι , καὶ τοὺς ἐπ αὐτὸ τοῦτο τὸν βίον καταναλίσκοντας ἀπολελεῖφθαι πολὺ καὶ ῥητορικῆς καὶ φιλοσοφίας ὑπειληφώς , καὶ πολὺ δικαιότερον ἂν ποιητὰς σοφιστὰς προσαγορεύεσθαι νομίζων .
Since certain so-called Sophists are vainglorious and puffed up with pride because they have practised the writing of speeches and through books have revealed their own wisdom , although they have neglected learning and discipline and are as inexpert as laymen in the faculty of speaking , and since they claim to be masters of the whole of the art of rhetoric , although they possess only the smallest share of ability therein - since this is the case , I shall essay to bring formal accusation against written discourses .
This I shall do , not because I think they possess an ability which I myself have not , but for the reason that I pride myself more on other matters ; I believe that writing should be practised as an ancillary pursuit . I am , therefore , of opinion that those who devote their lives to writing are wofully deficient in rhetoric and philosophy ; these men , with far more justice , may be called poets rather than Sophists .
Puesto que algunos de los llamados sofistas han descuidado saberes y aprendizajes y son tan inexpertos como los profanos en la facultad de pronunciar discursos , pero se dan importancia y mucho se ufanan por haberse ocupado de redactar discursos y hacer ostentación de su sabiduría con medios inseguros , y , estando en posesión de una parte minúscula de la facultad retórica , reivindican el arte entera , por esta razón me dispongo a emprender una acusación contra los discursos escritos , no porque estime que me es ajena la capacidad de aquéllos , sino porque me enorgullezco más de otras actividades y creo que la escritura debe practicarse como una actividad de segundo orden , y sostengo que quienes consumen su vida en este cometido se encuentran muy lejos tanto de la retórica como de la filosofía , y creo que sería mucho más adecuado llamarlos artífices que sofistas .

( 77 ) 71% AKK
( 31 ) 29% AKK - ENG

( 37 ) 21% AKK - ENG
( 137 ) 79% ENG

( 37 ) 21% AKK - ENG
( 137 ) 79% ENG

De Bello Galico 1.3

  • Created on 2019-11-17 21:35:37
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( 15 ) 15% LAT
( 88 ) 85% LAT - ENG

( 139 ) 87% LAT - ENG
( 21 ) 13% ENG