
  • Created on 2020-11-10 03:00:04
  • Aligned by

( 87 ) 64% AKK
( 48 ) 36% AKK - AKK

( 76 ) 36% AKK - AKK
( 133 ) 64% AKK


  • Created on 2020-11-10 03:00:07
  • Aligned by

( 87 ) 64% AKK
( 48 ) 36% AKK - AKK

( 76 ) 36% AKK - AKK
( 133 ) 64% AKK

Pliny 1.6

  • Created on 2020-12-03 04:05:43
  • Translated by J. B. Firth
  • Aligned by

( 58 ) 45% LAT
( 71 ) 55% LAT - ENG

( 106 ) 47% LAT - ENG
( 121 ) 53% ENG

Werewolf Story Kevin McGrath - Petronius

  • Created on 2020-12-03 20:26:52
  • Aligned by

Devon Marshall Theseus and Ardinae

  • Created on 2020-12-03 21:59:26
  • Aligned by

( 26 ) 19% LAT
( 113 ) 81% LAT - ENG

( 176 ) 82% LAT - ENG
( 38 ) 18% ENG

Euripides, Bacantes, 1-12

  • Created on 2020-12-04 22:37:36
  • Aligned by
ἥκω Διὸς παῖς τήνδε Θηβαίων χθόνα Διόνυσος , ὃν τίκτει ποθʼ Κάδμου κόρη Σεμέλη λοχευθεῖσʼ ἀστραπηφόρῳ πυρί ·
μορφὴν δʼ ἀμείψας ἐκ θεοῦ βροτησίαν πάρειμι Δίρκης νάματʼ Ἰσμηνοῦ θʼ ὕδωρ .
ὁρῶ δὲ μητρὸς μνῆμα τῆς κεραυνίας τόδʼ ἐγγὺς οἴκων καὶ δόμων ἐρείπια τυφόμενα Δίου πυρὸς ἔτι ζῶσαν φλόγα , ἀθάνατον Ἥρας μητέρʼ εἰς ἐμὴν ὕβριν .
αἰνῶ δὲ Κάδμον , ἄβατον ὃς πέδον τόδε τίθησι , θυγατρὸς σηκόν ·
ἀμπέλου δέ νιν πέριξ ἐγὼ ʼκάλυψα βοτρυώδει χλόῃ .
Chegado sou a esta terra tebana , eu , Dioniso , filho de
Zeus , dado à luz pela cria de Cadmo , Sémele , partejada pelo fogo do relâmpago . Minha forma divina pela de um mortal trocada , eis-me aqui , junto às fontes de Dirce , defronte às águas do Ismene . Vejo o túmulo de minha mãe , [ 1 ] fulminada pelo raio , beirando o palácio e as ruínas de sua casa , esfumaçando ainda pela chama sempre viva do fogo de Zeus : vingança de Here , signo de ultraje que não tem fim . Louvores a Cadmo que o lugar erigiu em inviolável recinto : eu o velei sob racimadas frondes da vinha .
I , the son of Zeus , have come to this land of the Thebans—Dionysus , whom once Semele , Kadmos ' daughter , bore , delivered by a lightning-bearing flame . And having taken a mortal form instead of a god ' s , [ 5 ] I am here at the fountains of Dirke and the water of Ismenus . And I see the tomb of my thunder-stricken mother here near the palace , and the remnants of her house , smouldering with the still living flame of Zeus ' fire , the everlasting insult of Hera against my mother . [ 10 ] I praise Kadmos , who has made this place hallowed , the shrine of his daughter ; and I have covered it all around with the cluster-bearing leaf of the vine .

( 11 ) 14% GRC
( 70 ) 86% GRC - POR

( 86 ) 69% GRC - POR
( 38 ) 31% POR

( 86 ) 69% GRC - POR
( 38 ) 31% POR

Warewolf Story Jodersan Desir

  • Created on 2020-12-05 04:53:02
  • Aligned by