Omg look at this sentence now not only latin but also english and yes.

Nikola /
  • Created on 2018-05-02 18:31:51
  • Modified on 2018-05-02 18:43:01
  • Aligned by Nikola
Erant et virtute et studio pugnandi pares ; nostri , tametsi ab duce et a fortuna deserebantur , tamen omnem spem salutis in virtute ponebant , et quotiens quaeque cohors procurrerat , ab ea parte magnus numerus hostium cadebat .
Бяха равни и на смелост и на стремеж за воюване ; нашите , макар че от водача и от съдбата бяха изоставени , все пак цялата надежда за спасение на храбростта поставяха , и колкото пъти всяка кохорта изтичваше напред , от тази част , голям брой от враговете падаха .
They were equal in bravery as well as the urge to fight ; our people , although deserted by their leader and fate , nevertheless put all their hope for salvation in their prowess , and no matter how many times every cohort advanced forward , from that part , a large quantity of enemies fell down .

( 1 ) 3% LAT
( 39 ) 97% LAT - BUL

( 50 ) 98% LAT - BUL
( 1 ) 2% BUL

( 50 ) 98% LAT - BUL
( 1 ) 2% BUL