Horace, Satires 2.3.187-223

Josh Ginzberg / Greek 102 (Final Project)
  • Created on 2018-05-02 00:46:32
  • Modified on 2018-05-06 02:10:48
  • Translated by Josh Ginzberg
  • Aligned by Josh Ginzberg
Greek 102 Project (Ginzberg)
nequis humasse velit Aiacem , Atrida , vetas cur ?
' rex sum . ' nil ultra quaero plebeius . ' et aequam
rem imperito , ac sicui videor non iustus , inulto
dicere quod sentit permitto . ' maxime regum ,
Di tibi dent capta classem redducere Troia .
ergo consulere et mox respondere licebit ?
' consule . ' cur Aiax , heros ab Achille secundus ,
putescit , totiens servatis clarus achivis ,
gaudeat ut populus Priami Priamusque inhumato ,
per quem tot iuvenes patrio caruere sepulcro ?
' mille ovium insanus morti dedit , inclitum Ulixen
et Menelaum una mecum se occidere clamans . '
tu cum pro vitula statuis dulcem Aulide natam
ante aras spargisque mola caput , inprobe , salsa ,
rectum animi servas ? ' quorsum ? ' insanus quid enim Aiax
fecit ? cum stravit ferro pecus , abstinuit vim
uxore et gnato ; mala multa precatus atridis
non ille aut Teucrum aut ipsum violavit Ulixen .
' verum ego , ut haerentis adverso litore navis
eriperem , prudens placavi sanguine Divos . '
nempe tuo , furiose ? ' meo , sed non furiosus . '
qui species alias veris scelerisque tumultu
permixtas capiet , commotus habebitur atque
stultitiane erret nihilum distabit an ira .
Aiax inmeritos cum occidit desipit agnos :
cum prudens scelus ob titulos admittis inanis ,
stas animo et purum est vitio tibi cum tumidum est cor ?
siquis lectica nitidam gestare amet agnam ,
huic vestem ut gnatae , paret ancillas , paret aurum ,
Pusam aut Pusillam appellet fortique marito
destinet uxorem : interdicto huic omne adimat ius
praetor et ad sanos abeat tutela propinquos .
quid , siquis gnatam pro muta devovet agna ,
integer est animi ? ne dixeris . ergo ubi prava
stultitia , hic summa est insania ; qui sceleratus ,
et furiosus erit ; quem cepit vitrea fama ,
hunc circumtonuit gaudens Bellona cruentis .
Son of Atreus , why do you deny anyone who wishes to bury Ajax ? " I am the king . " Nothing further I , a plebeian , inquire . " And I command an evenhanded thing , and if to anyone I do not seem just , I permit that he speak unpunished what he thinks . " Greatest of kings , may the gods grant to you that the fleet return with Troy having been captured . Therefore will it not be permitted to consult and soon to respond ? " Ask . " Why does Ajax , a hero second to Achilles , rot , famous with so many times the Acheans having been saved , such that the people of Priam and Priam may rejoice with the man unburied , through whom so many young men have been deprived of their fatherland’s burial rite ? " The insane man gave a thousand of sheep to death , shouting that he kills illustrious Ulysses and Menelaus as one with me . " When you hold up your sweet daughter in place of a heifer before the altar at Aulus and sprinkle the head , wicked one , with salty ground meal , do you protect the right thing ? " To what end ? " Truly what thing did insane Ajax do ? When he demolished the flock with iron , he held back violence from his wife and child ; having beseeched many bad things to the Atreids , that man did not violate either Teucer or Ulysses himself . " Truly I , in order that I might break out the ships clinging onto an adverse shore , being prudent placated the Gods with blood . " No doubt by yours , madman ? " With mine , but not maddened . " One who takes appearances other than true ones and mixed through with turmoil will be held disturbed , and nothing will stand apart whether he errs because of folly or because of wrath . Ajax when he kills the undeserving sheep is foolish : when you being prudent confess a crime on account of empty titles , do you stand in mind and is the heart to you pure when it is swollen with vice ? If anyone should love to carry a plump lamb on a sedan , should prepare for it clothing as for a daughter , prepare handmaidens , prepare gold , call it Pusa or Pusilla and secure it as wife to a brave husband : for this forbidden thing the praetor would remove every right and would pass guardianship toward the sane relatives . What , if anyone dedicates a daughter in place of a dumb lamb , is he sound of mind ? Do not say . Therefore where there is crooked foolishness , here insanity is highest ; who is wicked , also will be maddened ; he whom glassy fame has taken , this man Bellona thundered around rejoicing due to the gore .

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