Iliad XXII, 188-213

Chiara Palladino / Homer, Iliad, 21.1-53
  • Created on 2018-02-24 22:28:58
  • Modified on 2018-04-05 17:59:03
  • Translated by Samuel Butler
  • Aligned by Chiara Palladino
Ἑλληνική Transliterate
Ἕκτορα δʼ ἀσπερχὲς κλονέων ἔφεπʼ ὠκὺς Ἀχιλλεύς .
ὡς δʼ ὅτε νεβρὸν ὄρεσφι κύων ἐλάφοιο δίηται
ὄρσας ἐξ εὐνῆς διά τʼ ἄγκεα καὶ διὰ βήσσας ·
τὸν δʼ εἴ πέρ τε λάθῃσι καταπτήξας ὑπὸ θάμνῳ ,
ἀλλά τʼ ἀνιχνεύων θέει ἔμπεδον ὄφρά κεν εὕρῃ ·
ὣς Ἕκτωρ οὐ λῆθε ποδώκεα Πηλεΐωνα .
ὁσσάκι δʼ ὁρμήσειε πυλάων Δαρδανιάων
ἀντίον ἀΐξασθαι ἐϋδμήτους ὑπὸ πύργους ,
εἴ πως οἷ καθύπερθεν ἀλάλκοιεν βελέεσσι ,
τοσσάκι μιν προπάροιθεν ἀποστρέψασκε παραφθὰς
πρὸς πεδίον · αὐτὸς δὲ ποτὶ πτόλιος πέτετʼ αἰεί .
ὡς δʼ ἐν ὀνείρῳ οὐ δύναται φεύγοντα διώκειν ·
οὔτʼ ἄρʼ τὸν δύναται ὑποφεύγειν οὔθʼ διώκειν ·
ὣς τὸν οὐ δύνατο μάρψαι ποσίν , οὐδʼ ὃς ἀλύξαι .
πῶς δέ κεν Ἕκτωρ κῆρας ὑπεξέφυγεν θανάτοιο ,
εἰ μή οἱ πύματόν τε καὶ ὕστατον ἤντετʼ Ἀπόλλων
ἐγγύθεν , ὅς οἱ ἐπῶρσε μένος λαιψηρά τε γοῦνα ;
λαοῖσιν δʼ ἀνένευε καρήατι δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς ,
οὐδʼ ἔα ἱέμεναι ἐπὶ Ἕκτορι πικρὰ βέλεμνα ,
μή τις κῦδος ἄροιτο βαλών , δὲ δεύτερος ἔλθοι .
ἀλλʼ ὅτε δὴ τὸ τέταρτον ἐπὶ κρουνοὺς ἀφίκοντο ,
καὶ τότε δὴ χρύσεια πατὴρ ἐτίταινε τάλαντα ,
ἐν δʼ ἐτίθει δύο κῆρε τανηλεγέος θανάτοιο ,
τὴν μὲν Ἀχιλλῆος , τὴν δʼ Ἕκτορος ἱπποδάμοιο ,
ἕλκε δὲ μέσσα λαβών · ῥέπε δʼ Ἕκτορος αἴσιμον ἦμαρ ,
ᾤχετο δʼ εἰς Ἀΐδαο , λίπεν δέ Φοῖβος Ἀπόλλων .
Achilles was still in full pursuit of Hektor , as a hound chasing a fawn which he has started from its covert on the mountains , and hunts through glade and thicket . The fawn may try to elude him by crouching under cover of a bush , but he will scent her out and follow her up until he gets her - even so there was no escape for Hektor from the fleet son of Peleus . Whenever he made a set to get near the Dardanian gates and under the walls , that his people might help him by showering down weapons from above , Achilles would gain on him and head him back towards the plain , keeping himself always on the city side . As a man in a dream who fails to lay hands upon another whom he is pursuing - the one cannot escape nor the other overtake - even so neither could Achilles come up with Hektor , nor Hektor break away from Achilles ; nevertheless he might even yet have escaped death had not the time come when Apollo , who thus far had sustained his strength and nerved his running , was now no longer to stay by him . Achilles made signs to the Achaean host , and shook his head to show that no man was to aim a dart at Hektor , lest another might win the glory of having hit him and he might himself come in second . Then , at last , as they were nearing the fountains for the fourth time , the father of all balanced his golden scales and placed a doom in each of them , one for Achilles and the other for Hektor . As he held the scales by the middle , the doom of Hektor fell down deep into the house of Hades - and then Phoebus Apollo left him .

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