catID: 4 | sentenceId77

Maryam Foradi / Diwan Hafez / Divan Hafez (English Translation)
فارسی Transliterate
O beloved hidden from my sight to God , I entrust , thee .
In pain of separation thou consumedest my soul ; yet with heart , friend I hold thee . *** So long as I trail not the skirt of my shroud beneath the foot of the dust of the grave
Believe not , I will keep my hand from off the skirt of thee . *** Display the prayer - arch of thy eyebrow , that , in the morning - time ,
In excuse I may bring forth my hand of prayer and bring it upon the neck of thee . *** If it be necessary for me to go to Harut of Babil ,
A hundred kinds of sorcery learned from him I will evoke to bring thee . *** Of thy grace , give me access to thyself so that , with heart - consuming ,
The jewel the tear of the eye , I may momently rain upon the feet of thee . *** In exceeding love for thee I have , in my bosom , established a hundred streams of tear from my eye
In the hope that I may sow love's seed in the heart of thee . *** I weep and , from this tear , torrent raining , my hope
Is that love's seed , I may plant in the heart of thee . *** The beloved spilled my blood and released me from grief of separation ,
Thank - profferer , I am for the dagger - working glance of thee . *** O faithless physician the beloved I wish to die before thee
Ask the sick for I am in expectation of thee . *** If my eye and heart show desire for another lovely one
To that heart , I set fire and pluck out the eye for the sake of thee . *** Hafiz wine love and the mistress the beloved and profligacy the fearless , careless state are not contrary to thy way of life
Thus wholly thou doest and since thou exceedest not I pardon thee . ***

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